Wanting to help? Don’t get hooked and pulled off your path

A friend of mine called me this morning. He reported that on Channel 5 they are selling audios like mine. I got hooked.

I said: “Not audios like mine! audios sounding like mine… Those audios are just sound, no energy!” actually I shouted it.

But he had a different agenda, he just needed a foot in the door… But for that he needed to pull me out of my equilibrium, my harmony… like make me stand on one foot, or rub my tummy circularly with one hand and hit my head… near impossible.

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Updated: Higher Vibration and The Illusion of Dark Side

Questions about dark side and dark energies are coming up a lot nowadays.

My approach to dark side,

… is Kabbalistic because Kabbalah’s approach to this issue is more useful for someone who wants to understand the issue or Dark Side.

You see, “where attention goes energy flows.” And that attention actually creates or strengthens that which it energizes, even if it wasn’t there before. Especially when you say you don’t want it. Resistance to something is like pouring oil on the fire… makes it bigger. Like “I have no time”, like : I am confused,” like “nobody likes me.” creates exactly what it complains about. Or “I am NOT stupid” or “I don’t want to feel this” or telling fear to go away, and the thousand and one way you can resist something. Even ignoring something is resistance to it.

In a recent Landmark Education seminar I learned that the poison that human beings swallowed wholly and greedily is “there is something wrong here,” the foundation of human misery, the dark side: Right and Wrong… behaving as if there were a right way and this isn’t it.

It seems that you never stop for a second to ask the questions that could create choice:

Possible question to create choice #1:
You ask: Hm, Something wrong here? Says who? Then answer: _I_ say so (the same person who asked the question). Next: ask: who assigned me to be the judge? Do I know how it is supposed to be? Do I see the whole picture? — And if you are anyone other than God, the answer is that you can’t see the whole picture, and therefore you don’t know if it is really wrong what’s happening… so you can see that you can’t tell wrong from right… Not knowing is a much higher state than being sure.

Possible question #2: Who or what wins if I choose to say “there is something wrong here.”

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Bread of shame and the capacity that makes it OK to receive… by earning it retrospectively.

bruce-springsteen-1285946Bread of shame1 is a term Kabbalah uses for a situation when someone receives and receives, with no means, no desire, or no opportunity to reciprocate or earn it. Welfare recipients eat bread of shame. Adult children who don’t pull … Continue reading

Excerpt from – 

Bread of shame and the capacity that makes it OK to receive… by earning it retrospectively.