Energies Part 3 The documentary “Water: The Great Mystery” an analysis and vibrational review.

I just watched and listened to the documentary “Water the Great Mystery” at the recommendation of one of my students. . It’s 6 parts, so watch them on youtube.

The movie is 40% accurate, the rest is misleading or is outright misdirection.

A felt that the underlying intention, from the beginning, was propaganda… a strong agenda. I first thought it’s to sell water equipment to the people, but it turned out to be more religious misdirection. Regardless whether the researchers had anything truthful, the assembly of the fragmented information, the “masterful” mixing or religious propaganda made the valuable content a vibrational level of miserable 180.

Now, is it worth for you to watch it? Probably not. Why? Because you are far below the level where the capacity “discerning” lives, which is 499.

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What is the most important thing in life?

The “culture” we live in, the mind-meme that is the dominant influencer of our emotions, our actions, our decisions in life says: the most important thing in life is fitting in, taking care of your loved ones, to be loved, to belong.

Sounds so nice, doesn’t it? Sounds like that is what will cause our species to survive, that is what is going to cause us to be happy.

Let’s examine if it, in fact, contributes to happiness, and to the survival of the species… i.e. if it contributes to personal growth, personal evolution, because any species that its members don’t grow or can’t grow is declining and dying.

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When something isn’t working, doing more of it is not the answer

Summary: In my search for finding transformational methods, I have come to the startling realization that everyone I know in the business of transformation is doing the wrong thing, teaching the wrong thing, and thus helping the Dark Side.
In one of the episodes of the House MD TV series, Dr. House has a patient who is dying. After a lot of tests they find out that the patient’s father gave his son a graduation gift from his scrap metal yard.

The son honored the loving father by keeping the gift on his person all the time.

The gift, a highly radioactive piece of metal, kills him, and maims his friend who was exposed to the radioactivity on a long flight when he sit next to him.

Why am I telling you this story?
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Your vibration and your world view… are you expecting to raise your vibration without changing your world view?

I watched an episode of House last night. One of the characters says to Dr. House: “But you are not curious!” The bells went off in my head. That’s it! That moment suddenly made it clear to my why all my work has been ineffective with you, why you haven’t become an Expanding Human Being, in spite of your good intentions, in spite of all my articles, activators, courses… Your fundamental view of reality hasn’t changed, hasn’t changed at all.

You live in a world where you consider yourself a thing among other things. Where you and others have the characteristics of things: fixed, permanent, unchangeable and unchanged.

That is your world view.

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Your brain will help you become an Expanding Human Being

Summary: Most of us don’t know who we really are. What we really want. Where to start, what to do to become an expanding human being… Here is an exercise that can be really helpful, and you could start exercising the faculties that will lead you to clarity of who you are and what you want.

“The most complex problems can be stripped to their essence through unemotional critical thinking. Successful problem solvers simplify complex problems while seeking kindergarten solutions” ~ Steve Siebold

The complex problem I have been struggling with is how to teach people to start using their faculties, start to use their brain for what it is really good for, instead of searching for answers outside of them, instead of asking questions from others.

A simple solution showed up in a conversation with a client today.

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You want to raise your vibration. You want to become an Expanding Human Being. You want abundance. You want fun, joy, and love.

Summary: this article started out to be short and sweet and, because it is so important, became really big. The most important things are said in the footnotes, so don’t miss them. The article reveals what it is you need and probably don’t have, will never have, to become an Expanding Human Being. But it is good to know, at least you will know what you can and what you can’t… and stop deluding yourself, and others.
To celebrate that amazon kicked me out, I am offering a 2 for 1 on all my remedies… until further notice. Go to the special site I made….

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Tiptoeing… treading lightly vs not rocking the boat or making waves

I am a boat-rocker, a wave maker… I get banged up a lot, and I don’t even notice it. It is my nature to be bold and speak openly what I see is amiss.

And in other situations I tiptoe… I tread lightly… quite out of character, wouldn’t you say?

I watch you tiptoe in situations when I speak and speak when I tiptoe… i.e. do the opposite of what I do and what I recommend that you do.

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Low vibration? Here are some clues why that is… Updated

Summary: people don’t understand why their vibration is so low… in spite of all the work they have done on themselves, or the positive outlook they have on life, a life of making a difference, meditation, etc. Here are some of my answers…

You live in and through your mind. You are curious, you ask a lot of questions, you amassed a lot of Tree of Knowledge type knowledge, and you feel secure in the world. You may have even achieved some success… But you are out of touch. Out of touch with your body, out of touch with your emotions, out of touch with reality. You don’t have the capacities of an Expanding Human Being, and you are not interested in becoming one. The price (all that “knowledge) is too much for you.
Everybody is surprised to hear that Canada’s vibration is not friendly to my products, and that people from Canada have lower vibration on average than the rest of the world.

Canadians themselves are offended… From their point of view, they are the highest vibrating, most friendly, most moral, highly socially conscious people on the planet.

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We all have filters. Should we get rid of them? Are they all bad?

We all want to remove the filters, at least those of us that even know about them.

But what you need to understand is this: filters are necessary. Without filters reality cannot get through to you, without filters you are not able to interact with reality at all.

What is a filter, really? Filter is a predefined translator. Partially it is words. If and when you cannot name something, it doesn’t exist for you, or you don’t have any power to interact with it.

I remember my first encounter with “there is no filter/words for this thing” some 30-40 years ago in a book of short stories. There was this thing, heavy, big, silent, and it was threatening as hell… and the whole town was in fear of it. They didn’t know what it was, and therefore they had no way to interact with it.

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Waiting to be made happy, successful, rich, spiritual, knowledgable

I had a conversation with a friend. I shared with him that I am selling off my books and DVD’s on Amazon.com.

He has been at my place, and he was really interested. My place is crowded because I pretty much never throw anything away.

He asked me: what would it be like if you got home one day, and all the stuff you don’t really need would be gone? Picked up and gone.

I told him, that I had done that with my clothes, and I am still grieving from it.

I like the process of choosing to sell something, or give it away, one by one. It is a growing experience for me, it is a grieving, a separation, I grief the amount of work that went into the purchase (I work for my money… surprise!) and the mistake I made, or the enjoyment I got out of the stuff.

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