How to Learn Many Things at Once… very useful if you are in my coaching program

learn-new-thingsThere’s so much you want to learn, need to learn, should learn… so much, in fact, that you don’t know where to start. Most people get inspired for some goal, sprint at max effort for 1-2 weeks, burn out, push … Continue reading

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How to Learn Many Things at Once… very useful if you are in my coaching program

The core influence exercise

heart-1This post is a summary of the presentation of Frank Kern about Core Influence. This is really powerful EXERCISE for everyone. It will definitely change the way of you relate to yourself and your life. What is your Core Influence? … Continue reading

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The core influence exercise

Who are you? What is your real self? Where is your real self?

10483584_341258836063662_850740459_nEveryone, even the most shallow people, wonder who they are. Really. By the time you are out of high school you have a constructed identity, but it is neither you, nor it makes you happy. But it may make it … Continue reading

Continued here:  

Who are you? What is your real self? Where is your real self?

How to activate your relationship with your consciousness so you can be guided

activating-dormant-abilitiesMost things that happen inside you, inside Team-YOU, (Team You: body: feelings/emotions, mind, soul, ego, subconscious, history/ancestry, cells/DNA, self/identity, Self, consciousness)) are below your conscious awareness. Most of the abilities, most of the DNA capacities I activate, need you to … Continue reading

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How to activate your relationship with your consciousness so you can be guided

The secret of being able to change, and reborn with a higher frequency

becoming independent from society's pullThe secret of my being able to change, and reborn with a higher frequency is that I have been able to keep in check the societal imperative to care about other people more than I care about myself. It comes … Continue reading

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The secret of being able to change, and reborn with a higher frequency
I hope this article has given you new insight on the subject and given you some things to think about. Although there is nothing new under the sun, the information that you have just finished reading is presented in a fresh and interesting way.

One thing is for sure, information on this subject is available all over the Internet and this article is one of many articles available on the subject. We love writing on this subject and have presented our point of view. Feel free to look around and explore our site for more the subject information.

The Question Is, Really, If The Light Can Heal. Can The Source Heal? What is Doing The Healing When Healing Happens?

The question is, really, if the Light can heal. The answer is a little complicated. and very controversial. Can a person, like Jesus, lay his hand on you and the lame will walk, the blind will see, etc? Unless the … Continue reading

Link to article: 

The Question Is, Really, If The Light Can Heal. Can The Source Heal? What is Doing The Healing When Healing Happens?

Theta Healing – What Impact Do Your Thoughts, Feelings & Beliefs Have on Your Weight Loss?

Welcome to our site. Here, you will find everything you need to know about the subject, without the hype.

You are joining thousands of other readers who visit our site on a regular basis. That is because we work hard to give you the information you need without all the fluff. This is the place to come for quality.

The article below is the latest addition to our site and it is a real education to read. We hope to sparks some ideas for you.

Helen Meader asked:

What is Theta Healing and what does it have to do with Weight Loss?

Firstly, do you want to lose weight?

Secondly, do you know how to lose weight?

So, why isn’t it working permanently?

We all know a lot about weight loss. We are bombarded daily with magazines, newspaper stories, television shows including weight loss programs. Seriously then, you must know what to do!! Everyone must know what to do, we have been taught, told, cajoled and instructed on weight loss, weight management and healthy living since we started eating… so what is the problem? Why are you still ‘struggling’ with your weight, why is the population getting larger and larger despite all this education and knowledge? Why are our children experiencing obesity as never before?

Maybe, just maybe the ‘solution’, the ‘education’, the ‘knowledge’ is not the full picture. If the solution is there and the problem continues to grow then simple logic tells us that there is something missing, something flawed in the general community view of what the solution is. In many instances you will see people lose weight for a time only to find that some time later it is all back again. This is when you hear the comment “How on earth did that happen again!”

Do you know what I am talking about? Can you identify with this issue? Have you personally been there? I know I have!

So, what is missing? In my own situation and that of many others I have talked to, a large part of this is our ‘head space’ about our weight and our potential to lose weight. Do you sabotage your own success? This is where Theta Healing comes in. Theta Healing is a process that allows you to connect to that part of yourself that creates your life and your reality – changing your thinking, your beliefs and your feeling experience can have a profound affect on your weight loss success.

What is this ‘head space’ thing, head space in my definition is the stuff that rolls around between your ears, the chatter that goes on in your head. For example whilst on the latest round of dieting, the comments you make to yourself or to others, like:

“I don’t think I will ever really lose this weight” “Who am I kidding I will never be the weight I desire” “My partner likes me to be overweight”

Take a moment to think about what thoughts are rolling around in your head when you are ‘trying’ to lose weight. These thoughts are sabotaging your opportunity for success with your weight loss. These thoughts are potentially hijacking you to stay stuck where you are – even if that is an unhappy place. A Theta Healing Practitioner can support the process of belief changing to achieve your weight loss goals.

What can you do about this yourself. On paper this is a simple process but in reality can be much more complex primarily because these thoughts, beliefs and feelings have been a part of us for so long that at some level you may be quite attached to them. Your beliefs and your way of thinking when practiced over a long period of time become a part of your identity, a part of who you are and so shifting and changing them can seem quite challenging.

Keep it simple and repeat this process over and over to uncover aspects of what is going on for you and why you are holding on to your weight. Here are four simple steps:

Step One – Identify your thoughts and beliefs, listen to your mind chatter and write these thoughts down.

Step Two – Consciously choose to clear these thoughts.

Step Three – Fill the void created by removing old beliefs and replace the old thought with a new supportive one. Be sure to consciously choose these new thoughts and beliefs otherwise you may just find that the ‘old’ thoughts, beliefs and feelings come straight back!

Step Four – Monitor and repeat. Repeat the process over and over and watch the changes that take place with your weight and in your life.

This process allows you to define a new you, approach it with joy, wonder and love for who you are becoming.

If you want to fast track the process find yourself a Theta Healing Practitioner who specializes in Weight Loss to support your journey.

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12 dimensions of consciousness – Humanity is currently 4-D, shifting to 5-D?

Are you looking for information about the subject? Here in this blog, we will tackle the different aspects, fundamentals and other points of interest about the subject. Many readers and enthusiasts find that this blog is a great place to start if you are new to the subject.

We provide detailed resources like photos, articles, videos and links that may be of good use for those who want to make a more detailed study about it.

Supposedly, there are 12 dimensions of consciousness. Humanity is currently in the 4th dimension of consciousness, on the verge of shifting into the 5th dimension. Below is a description of the 1st-5th dimensions:

1 – The first dimension of space. Awareness as a point. The mineral kingdom resonates to this level of consciousness. The minerals, water and genetic code in human bodies resonates to this level.

2 – The second dimension of space. Awareness of point and line. The plant kingdom and lower animal kingdom resonates to this level. These beings are only conscious of their species’ identity and their need for feeding, fighting, and procreation. Live solely within the awareness of the moment. Human second dimensional consciousness is centered in the lower brain that directs the autonomic nervous system to regulate and maintain life support functions.

3 – The third dimension of space. Awareness of point, line, width and breadth, height and volume. Human beings and the higher animal kingdom resonates to this level. Awareness of oneself as a separate and unique individual – very little awareness of the interconnectedness of beings and actions. The third dimension is locked in a time/space and cause/effect paradigm through the individual human souls. As humans we have the ability to remember the past and the future while remaining aware of the present. However, while using only our third dimensional consciousness much of our past remains forgotten in our unconscious mind and we usually feel a sense of separation from the whole, a feeling of limitation in achieving our desires, and a need to work hard to accomplish our goals.

4 – Awareness of point, line, width and breadth, height, volume and time. The fourth dimension is also known as the astral plane. The primary consciousness of this dimension is in the astral body, which is also known as the "higher human". The astral body is of a higher vibration than the physical body and is in a form that is known as etheric. The 4th D is the realm of the unconscious mind. Our fourth dimensional astral bodies possess advanced dreaming, imagination, psychic ability, intuition, magic, and creativity. As we expand our mind to be conscious of our unconscious mind, we can experience more and more of these qualities while in our physical form. At this level, there is the beginning awareness of the Universal Law of One or Unity Consciousness: whatever affects one of us affects of all of us. Indigos carry this awareness, which is the key to multi-dimensionality, and it leads them to be warriors for causes that heal the Earth. Realisation and practice that no one is greater than the other and that group consciousness is the path to the future. We must all cooperate for the good of all to create a better Earth.

5 – Awareness of point, line, width and breadth, height, volume, time and spirit. Linear time and space do not bind consciousness here. There is NO illusion of separation or limitation. Instead, there is a constant experience of the One-ness of God/Goddess/All That Is. On the fifth dimension we live in Unconditional Love, Unconditional Forgiveness, and Unconditional Acceptance. We hold no judgment, guilt, or negativity towards the "lower" portions or aspects of ourselves that are striving to remember our "Higher Selves". At this level, we are free to create new ways of thinking/being/doing through the seeds of unity consciousness.

Do you agree with this? I personally feel like I used to be in the 4th dimension, but I had a very traumatic experience a year ago that caused my to become somewhat schizophrenic – now I feel like I’m in stuck in the 3rd dimension and I’d love to know how to get back to the 4th.

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