Want the good life? Use the Edge effect. Finding your niche where you can win. living life creatively

if-you-are-always-trying-to-be-normalYou want the good life… Creating the good life, health, wealth, love and happiness, will require creativity from you… The opposite of creativity is timidness. Creativity is living at risk… Existential courage. You want to color inside the lines… and … Continue reading

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Want the good life? Use the Edge effect. Finding your niche where you can win. living life creatively

Sonia Choquette vibrational review… get an attachment from Sonia Choquette, fake

Sonia Choquette Personal vibration: all mind, no Self, no connection. Personal vibration: 130. She is empathic. Not a psychic. Clairvoyance: accuracy: 20%. Reminds me of the gypsy fortune teller that robbed me in Budapest: lured me in, and robbed me. … Continue reading

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Sonia Choquette vibrational review… get an attachment from Sonia Choquette, fake

Intuitive, counter intuitive… what is that? Should you be intuitive?

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The article below is the latest addition to our site and it is a real education to read. We hope to sparks some ideas for you.


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Intuitive, counter intuitive… what is that? Should you be intuitive?
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Curiosity, Inquiry, Discernment, Tree Of Life, Tree Of Knowledge, Mind, Brain, Thinking About, Thinking… Do You Know The Difference?

The article below about the subject has received a lot of interest, more than any other on our site. We believe it’s because it pulls no punches. Yet, while it’s an important issue, it’s not all doom and gloom, there is another point of view that some find quite unorthodox, but workable.

This article has proven to be very useful to our readers and they come back regularly to keep abreast of the latest developments. While the subject remains an important subject, it’s always an added bonus when you can be enlightened, and even amused by being shown the other side of the issue. Some things are not always what they seem. Read on for more insight.

You are wired to want to know You are wired to avoid uncertainty, wired to want to know how it all works so you can be safe. Understandable. Makes sense… you must use the MIND to accomplish that: feel safe, … Continue reading

Read More https://yourvibration.com/8944/questions/
Raise Your Vibration: Connect To Source teaches you how to connect to Source (God?) so you can live your life’s purpose, get answers, more

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Curiosity, Inquiry, Discernment, Tree Of Life, Tree Of Knowledge, Mind, Brain, Thinking About, Thinking… Do You Know The Difference?

Baby Steps To Big Dreams

If you would like to know more about the subject – then you will want to read this article. It includes plenty of information about this subject that is sure to help you better understand the ins and outs that seem to confuse most people. It really does not have to be difficult to understand.

The information that follows is one way to look at this information, and after reading the article you are free to form your own opinion. Whether or not you agree with the subject matter is up to you, and you are certainly free to make up your own mind about the material presented here.

Note: I adapted this post using a salesy email I got this morning… I liked the questions… not the product… If it sounds a little bit salesy… I apologize. That was not my intention. It is time to be brutally … Continue reading

Read More https://yourvibration.com/8591/babysteps/
Raise Your Vibration: Connect To Source teaches you how to connect to Source (God?) so you can live your life’s purpose, get answers, more

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Baby Steps To Big Dreams
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Life is counter-intuitive if your source of intuition is your mind… Get out of your mind!

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Life is counter-intuitive if your source of intuition is your mind Most of what you call intuition, isn’t. It is, in fact, reaction. Mostly it is the reaction of your reptilian brain

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Life is counter-intuitive if your source of intuition is your mind… Get out of your mind!
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Talk Back To Me: Why and how do the harmonizing (Avatar State) audios work?

If you would like to know more about the subject – then you will want to read this article. It includes plenty of information about this subject that is sure to help you better understand the ins and outs that seem to confuse most people. It really does not have to be difficult to understand.

The information that follows is one way to look at this information, and after reading the article you are free to form your own opinion. Whether or not you agree with the subject matter is up to you, and you are certainly free to make up your own mind about the material presented here.

Question: You say: “Eliminate procrastination, discover your hidden self, Increase your awareness, discover your ability to think, see the big picture, activate your intuition, keep calm under pressure…” Promises, promises, promises?

Originally posted here:
Talk Back To Me: Why and how do the harmonizing (Avatar State) audios work?
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A Medical Intuitive Speaks About Self-Healing, Self-Testing & Being Spirit-Led

Many people want to know more about the subject. Are you one of them? If so, you might find the following article helpful in your search for information. We hope you find some useful pointers.

Bruce Dickson asked:

This is coming from my heart. Here’s what’s real for me.

After decades of learning techniques including Touch for Health, Energy Medicine, EFT, Psych-K, Immunics, Theta Healing, etc.; after studying all the literature on Medical Intuition, after writing seven books more on it myself, after hundreds of hours of paid coaching on my own issues and after a thousand hours with clients, at the end…

I think the whole thing is about becoming more spirit-led.

A strong pattern is evident in my process of being spirit-led. It often follows this sequence:

Gratitude > alignment > surrender > love > taking appropriate action in the NOW.

Expansion of my effectiveness with clients seems primarily due to two things. One is my willingness to listen to Benefactors in Spirit who see the client’s issues more clearly than I do. Down here you and I can only see from “I” level. Spirit does not have this limitation. Benefactors in Spirit, aligned with the highest good of the client can see the whole pattern and pin point where the disturbances are and where the therapeutic openings are now.

The other is my coaches in Medical Intuition, practitioners more skilled and gifted than I. I bring my “shopping list” of personal issues to work on, be as transparent as I can be, and together we create pathways to healing them. When we come to forks in the road, we ask Spirit for a second opinion on which fork has more Light on it. These sessions expand my heart, my work, my service and my connection with my own Divinity.

When clients tell me what they wish to work on, I “listen” and test my impressions with kinesiology testing. I also check my own work in the session with K-testing. Did you know kinesiology testing and visual clairvoyance come from the same sixth etheric center of discernment? K-testing is a big way I exercise my discernment muscles, exercising my capacity to discriminate dark from Light; and,.which of two directions has more Light on it, as Spirit sees it.

So far I’ve avoided being called a mystic and I hope it continues that way. “Being a mystic” can’t be taught but testing, self-testing, muscle testing CAN all be taught. I believe Caroline Myss’s “modern mystics,” people out in the world, assisting other people, will grow at the rate more people learn to do kinesiology testing and harness it to self-healing and the Light of the Higest Good.

You can learn to self-test if you have high willingness to learn. In my experience “high willingness to learn” means an 8 or higher on a scale of ten. Where do the numbers come from? Thru testing, communicating with the inner child, learning if it is aligned with the goals of the conscious self.

But maybe I go too fast here. Let’s start at the beginning. What is Medical Intuition?

My characterization of effective Medical Intuition (MI) is a convergence of Intuition and K-testing (muscle-testing.

The interests of Medical Intuitives cover a wide range from viewing strictly physical-tissue-metabolic processes directly to discussion and uncovery of life purpose and spiritual directions. MIs are rarely licensed MDs or DOs and so may not diagnose. Most of them work professional under protection of ministerial credentials and/or coaching training. Most effective MIs are gifted counselors whether they have counseling certificates or not.

Practitioners have varying degrees of authentic clairvoyance, awareness of human anatomy. Those following the impulse of Caroline Myss all value the scientific method of hypothesis, trial, result and retest.

While a large fraction of Medical Intuitive practitioners do put “hands on” clients, the growing trend is to keep “hands off.” This trend is most dramatically evident in the very large fraction of MI client sessions done over the phone, a worldwide phenomena. “Hands off” sessions are likely to be the trend. Putting “hands on” greatly increases the likelihood of professional intuitives picking up disturbances released by clients. Working “hands off” is part of many MI’s self-protection routines

Effective MIs are good sources of second opinions on disturbed physical health. Effective MIs can very often short circuit expensive and unnecessary testing and reduce costs. MIs are destined to increasingly be invited to collaborate with conventional MDs and DOs.

No official consensus on the purpose of Medical Intuition now exists. The activity of Medical Intuition is well-described as assisting clients to connect the dots between their issues and their illnesses. When successful, the primary causative factors are found, such primary causes are not physical-material in about half of all cases. For MIs who also treat, effective sessions permit clients throw off burdens they no longer wish to carry. This suggests the general aims of modern Medical Intuition as I practice it.

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8 Key Benefits of Theta Brainwaves

Are you looking for information about the subject? Here in this blog, we will tackle the different aspects, fundamentals and other points of interest about the subject. Many readers and enthusiasts find that this blog is a great place to start if you are new to the subject.

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George R. Swisher asked:

Among all five brainwave frequencies, Theta is the second slowest, ranging in frequency from 4Hz to 7Hz. It is only faster than Delta, the slowest brainwave frequency. Theta Brainwaves have been associated with sleep and dreaming. Theta is usually the predominant brainwave in your brain when you experience intense relaxation, high levels of creativity, random thoughts and super learning. Also, when you are in a state of deep sleep, Theta is the prevalent pattern.

Before going any further, it is safe to say something about brainwaves which might as well apply to life in general. Everything is good in moderation. When you have too few or too much of anything, you might likely get into trouble. For example, if you don’t drink water, you risk dehydration, but if you drink too much of it, you risk getting hyponatremia. Same goes for brainwaves. Lack of Theta brainwaves can cause neurosis, while too many of them can cause ADHD.

These are a few of the benefits associated with moderate, healthy Theta Brain wave activity:

Intense Relaxation. When you are awake, there hardly is any Theta brainwave activity. However, Theta brainwaves are known for their intense relaxation benefits, which are mostly experienced by seasoned meditators and children.

Emotional Connection. Theta brainwaves are also associated with deep, intense emotions. When you learn how to consciously access your Theta state of mind, you are able to understand your emotions better.

High Intuition This is one benefit of Theta brain waves that comes as a result of its proximity to the Delta range. When Theta is your dominant brainwave pattern, your intuition heightens.

Language Learning. Ever wondered why children have such a gift when it comes to picking up new languages? Researchers believe children’s increased Theta brain wave activity has something to do with it.

Better Immune System. Theta brain waves are associated with zero stress and zest. When you are stressed and anxious, your body releases chemicals that weaken your immune system. When you are in Theta, quite the opposite happens, your brain releases neurotransmitters that help to strengthen your immune system.

Better Long-term Memory. The memory center in your brain is the hippocampus, which has a dominant Theta pattern. When it is normal, your ability to recall events, data and distant memories increases.

Subconscious Programming. When Theta is the dominant brainwave pattern, your brain is unusually open to new ideas and suggestions. In Theta is where you could modify your deepest unconscious beliefs and your emotional blockages, using affirmations and neuro linguistic programming.

Deep Healing. Theta brainwaves have long been considered the ideal brainwave rhythm to renew, restore and heal the body and the mind. This is so because it balances out the brain’s sodium-potassium ion ratio that Beta brainwaves throw out of sync.

If you think you could benefit from increasing your Theta brainwave activity, you should consider doing some meditation or trying hypnosis and self-hypnosis programs. There are also brainwave entrainment tools, such as BrainEv, which are more comprehensive and not only do they help you increase your Theta brainwave activity, but all types of brainwaves. With BrainEv, you can boost your memory, speed you learning and increase your energy.

Read articles on how to use self-healing to get unstuck

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One thing is for sure, information on this subject is available all over the Internet and this article is one of many articles available on the subject. We love writing on this subject and have presented our point of view. Feel free to look around and explore our site for more the subject information.

Exploring Theta Waves – The Exciting Implications of Theta Brain Waves for Learning and Memory

Many people want to know more about the subject. Are you one of them? If so, you might find the following article helpful in your search for information. We hope you find some useful pointers.

Richard M. Frost asked:

Theta waves have been associated with access to the subconscious mind, emotional and physical healing, enhanced creativity, and intuition. The use of meditation techniques to entrain Theta brain waves has become a cottage industry in the form of the “Theta Healing” program. But in this article we shall focus on an aspect of Theta waves that is clearly supported by decades of scientific research – the connection between Theta brain waves, learning, and memory. We will end by recommending further resources for those who wish to apply the power of Theta waves to their own lives.

What Science Tells Us About Theta Waves

In the scientific literature, a distinction is made between the Theta waves recorded in the hippocampus of animal brains and those emanating from the cerebral cortex of human brains. For reasons of bioethics, studies of human brain waves are generally confined to the relatively superficial observations made possible by EEG electrodes attached to the scalp. But experimentation on animals – whether we like it or not – has penetrated much deeper within the brain, including such harsh measures as removing portions of the brain “just to see what happens.”

It is fairly clear that both regions of the brain demonstrate Theta activity in the region of 4 – 7 Hertz, but researchers have been a little reluctant to connect them and have hedged their bets by speculating that the two processes may be independent of one another. Though our knowledge remains incomplete, hippocampal Theta waves are associated with REM sleep and cortical Theta rhythms are similarly associated with the borderline between sleep and waking. (This is why this particular frequency is often targeted by those wishing to have lucid dreams.)

Theta Brain Waves, Learning, and Memory

Theta frequencies are displayed during the performance of short-term memory tasks and seem to be involved in the processing of sensory information and preparation for appropriate body movements in response to that information. Theta brain waves apparently help separate the creation of new memories on a cellular level (long-term potentiation) from the recollection of existing memories cued by sensory stimuli – a precondition for effective learning. This is most clearly demonstrated in spatial learning and navigation.

The Exciting Promise of Theta Waves

The biofeedback research of Thomas Budzynski led him to conclude that Theta waves allow us to absorb new information in an uncritical manner by disarming the ever-vigilant filter of the analytical left hemisphere. This greatly facilitates “re-programming” of belief systems such as concepts of self-worth, and “unlearning” of destructive mental habits. A tremendous amount of new information can be absorbed quickly in the Theta state – and also recalled with great clarity.

When the brain is in this uncritical twilight zone, we have an ideal opportunity to rid ourselves of the negative attitudes that have been holding us back in all phases of our lives. Positive affirmations and creative visualizations will be vastly more effective when our brain’s dominant frequency is the Theta wave.

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