The Tiny Steps Approach to Life

Many people want to know more about the subject. Are you one of them? If so, you might find the following article helpful in your search for information. We hope you find some useful pointers.

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The Tiny Steps Approach to Life
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Theta Healing – What Impact Do Your Thoughts, Feelings & Beliefs Have on Your Weight Loss?

Welcome to our site. Here, you will find everything you need to know about the subject, without the hype.

You are joining thousands of other readers who visit our site on a regular basis. That is because we work hard to give you the information you need without all the fluff. This is the place to come for quality.

The article below is the latest addition to our site and it is a real education to read. We hope to sparks some ideas for you.

Helen Meader asked:

What is Theta Healing and what does it have to do with Weight Loss?

Firstly, do you want to lose weight?

Secondly, do you know how to lose weight?

So, why isn’t it working permanently?

We all know a lot about weight loss. We are bombarded daily with magazines, newspaper stories, television shows including weight loss programs. Seriously then, you must know what to do!! Everyone must know what to do, we have been taught, told, cajoled and instructed on weight loss, weight management and healthy living since we started eating… so what is the problem? Why are you still ‘struggling’ with your weight, why is the population getting larger and larger despite all this education and knowledge? Why are our children experiencing obesity as never before?

Maybe, just maybe the ‘solution’, the ‘education’, the ‘knowledge’ is not the full picture. If the solution is there and the problem continues to grow then simple logic tells us that there is something missing, something flawed in the general community view of what the solution is. In many instances you will see people lose weight for a time only to find that some time later it is all back again. This is when you hear the comment “How on earth did that happen again!”

Do you know what I am talking about? Can you identify with this issue? Have you personally been there? I know I have!

So, what is missing? In my own situation and that of many others I have talked to, a large part of this is our ‘head space’ about our weight and our potential to lose weight. Do you sabotage your own success? This is where Theta Healing comes in. Theta Healing is a process that allows you to connect to that part of yourself that creates your life and your reality – changing your thinking, your beliefs and your feeling experience can have a profound affect on your weight loss success.

What is this ‘head space’ thing, head space in my definition is the stuff that rolls around between your ears, the chatter that goes on in your head. For example whilst on the latest round of dieting, the comments you make to yourself or to others, like:

“I don’t think I will ever really lose this weight” “Who am I kidding I will never be the weight I desire” “My partner likes me to be overweight”

Take a moment to think about what thoughts are rolling around in your head when you are ‘trying’ to lose weight. These thoughts are sabotaging your opportunity for success with your weight loss. These thoughts are potentially hijacking you to stay stuck where you are – even if that is an unhappy place. A Theta Healing Practitioner can support the process of belief changing to achieve your weight loss goals.

What can you do about this yourself. On paper this is a simple process but in reality can be much more complex primarily because these thoughts, beliefs and feelings have been a part of us for so long that at some level you may be quite attached to them. Your beliefs and your way of thinking when practiced over a long period of time become a part of your identity, a part of who you are and so shifting and changing them can seem quite challenging.

Keep it simple and repeat this process over and over to uncover aspects of what is going on for you and why you are holding on to your weight. Here are four simple steps:

Step One – Identify your thoughts and beliefs, listen to your mind chatter and write these thoughts down.

Step Two – Consciously choose to clear these thoughts.

Step Three – Fill the void created by removing old beliefs and replace the old thought with a new supportive one. Be sure to consciously choose these new thoughts and beliefs otherwise you may just find that the ‘old’ thoughts, beliefs and feelings come straight back!

Step Four – Monitor and repeat. Repeat the process over and over and watch the changes that take place with your weight and in your life.

This process allows you to define a new you, approach it with joy, wonder and love for who you are becoming.

If you want to fast track the process find yourself a Theta Healing Practitioner who specializes in Weight Loss to support your journey.

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The Healing Codes – Beliefs – The Reason We Do What We Do

Have you ever wondered how the subject works? Doesn’t it baffle your mind a bit? Doesn’t it spark your curious mind, and make you think incessantly about it? Are you interested in learning facts, trivia and other interesting information about it? You have come to the right place because every so often we update this site with various information about the subject. Click on the links and start reading!

Jerry Graham asked:

Why do we continue to do things that are self-destructive? Whether in relationships, health, or finances, many of us remain trapped in patterns of negative behavior that bring the worst possible results. What have scientists learned that might help us break these destructive patterns, once and for all?

The Healing Power of Beliefs

One area under much scrutiny in traditional and alternative medical circles is the power of a person’s internal beliefs to impact their physiology. You may already be familiar with the placebo effect, but here’s some new information that may startle you. In January of 2008, major news outlets began to report about a groundbreaking clinical study on the use of placebos. More than fifty percent of the doctors in the survey reported prescribing placebos over the previous year. When asked why they would prescribe a placebo to a patient, ninety-six percent of the doctors doing so said they believed they would see a clinical, therapeutic result after prescribing a placebo. In other words, because their patients believed they would feel relief after taking a sugar pill, their bodies actually felt relief. Their patients’ bodies actually produced a healing effect based upon their belief that the placebo would work.

Beliefs Become Physical

What does that research tell us about the mind’s ability to impact a person’s daily actions? If we can feel physical relief from symptoms because we believe we will, doesn’t it make sense that our physical actions are also a result of what we believe? Here’s how Alex Loyd, founder of The Healing Codes, puts it, “Everything a person does, they do because they believe they should.” Before you dismiss his statement, think of some common examples. If we don’t believe we should have to exercise, we don’t usually continue an exercise program long-term. If we believe we should be able to eat whatever we want, we will. Even if we have conflicting beliefs about something, the strongest underlying belief is what drives our actions in that area. That isn’t to say that these are always conscious thoughts controlling us! Our most deeply-held beliefs may be hidden within the unconscious mind, sabotaging healthy behaviors and frustrating our efforts to “will” our way past negative ones.

Change the Belief to Change the Action

Dr. Bruce Lipton, author of The Biology of Belief, found in his research that a person’s beliefs control their physical response to everyday stress, which, in turn, determines their overall health. By changing our most basic beliefs, he determined, we can change our physical response to life. What we can conclude from his research and all the other studies mentioned is that, if we can control our health with our beliefs, we can also stop negative behaviors by changing those same beliefs. That, in fact, is the only way to bring about lasting change. Until we learn to recognize and heal our unconscious negative beliefs, we will never live healthy, successful lives. The lesson to take with you is this — if you continually do things that are destructive to your personal peace, that’s an indicator that your belief system is in need of healing. Once you accept the truth of that, you can start taking the steps to move toward health, happiness, and peace of mind.

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The Healing Codes – Stress Reaction – The Physical Source of Disease

The blog was created to be a hub of all the enthusiasts and even the experts to provide useful information for the beginners. This blog has grown to be a comprehensive portal for people who have an interest in the subject.

A lot of readers have voted this blog to be a very good place to start when learning about it. We have sections that tackle the subject in general and we also have an extensive library of specialized information.

Jerry Graham asked:

Stress from Wrong Beliefs

For decades, scientists have understood the “stress reaction” that triggers a powerful physical response throughout our bodies. We already know from this research that the constant triggering of the stress reaction day after day can have a negative impact on our health.

But what actually causes that stress reaction to trigger in the first place? Dr. Alex Loyd, founder of The Healing Codes, tells us that the cause is a set of faulty beliefs that bring about excessive fear and anger. Here’s another way to look at it — King Solomon told us three thousand years ago to “guard the heart above all else, for from it flows everything else in life.”

What that means is that “the heart,” where our most deeply-held beliefs are stored, must be accurate because from those beliefs comes either a healthy life or the problems that plague us. In other words, it’s the wrong beliefs we hold within ourselves that are the very core of the excessive stress that brings destruction into our lives.

Fear, Anger, Stress and Cellular Memories

But what does science have to say about the root cause of fear, stress, and disease? Dr. Eric Nessler of the University of Texas Southwest Medical Center in Dallas is quoted as saying on the Dallas Morning News in 2004, “For many diseases, treatments today aren’t much better than band-aids. They address the disease’s symptoms, but not its cause. Harnessing this knowledge offers the potential of really correcting the abnormality.”

The abnormality he’s referring to is genetically-based disease! He goes on to say that healing diseases such as cancer may be the result of replacing negative cellular memories with positive ones and that “…scientists are striving to understand how cells acquire these memories and perhaps treat disease at its root by adjusting them.”

Dr. Nessler isn’t the only scientist making these claims. Dr. John Sarno at NYU’s Langone Medical Center, tells us that adult chronic pain and illness is caused by fear and anger in the unconscious mind. He defines that fear and anger as “cellular memories” and further says that those memories must be healed to end the pain and disease.

Healing Cellular Memories Is the Key

To tie all this together, Dr. Bruce Lipton, formerly of Stanford University, explains that ninety-five percent of disease is related to stress and fear, and the rest is caused by the unmasking of a disease gene by stress somewhere in our ancestry. Because our very cells hold the residue of fear and anger, healing involves removing the beliefs that trigger stress. As we learn from Dr. Lipton’s research, that process requires much more than willpower. It requires a structured “reprogramming” of our most basic beliefs about ourselves.

These studies offer all of us tremendous hope. They give scientific proof that taking the steps to learn to “live from the heart” and heal the deeply-rooted false beliefs keeping us in a constant state of fear and stress is the key to living a genuinely healthy life.

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Now, wasn’t that an easy read? We hope that you found the article as useful as we did. It’s hard to understand why some information is written in a way that just makes it impossible to decipher. the subject is so important to so many people that getting the right information, the first time, makes all the difference in making a timely decision. And who has time to wait these days?

The Healing Codes – Four Steps For Redefining Painful Memories

Have you ever wondered how the subject works? Doesn’t it baffle your mind a bit? Doesn’t it spark your curious mind, and make you think incessantly about it? Are you interested in learning facts, trivia and other interesting information about it? You have come to the right place because every so often we update this site with various information about the subject. Click on the links and start reading!

Jerry Graham asked:

Unexpected Memories

We know from decades of research that memories are stored in the mind as images. Those memory-based images are often recalled by unexpected triggers in our day-to-day activities. The secret to living a happy, balanced life sometimes lies in healing those traumatic memories by redefining the painful images those events produced.

A Simple Four-Step Process to Healing

To illustrate an effective healing process, Dr. Alex Loyd, founder of The Healing Codes, has developed four steps for redefining those painful memories.
First, consider the area in your life giving you the most difficulty. Typically, this might be finances, relationships, or career. Once you have that area in mind, define the emotions you’re feeling. Next, recall a memory from an earlier time in your life that evokes similar emotions. For example, if finances are your trouble spot in life and thinking about money causes you to feel angry and frustrated, think of another time in your life when you were feeling the same way. Your mental “image maker” that creates and stores memories as images is the platform for this process. The third step is to insert yourself mentally into that earlier memory, but as a third party observer rather than as a participant. One important note: Dr. Loyd always suggests you “take” a trusted person with you in your mind to the scene of the past trauma, if it feels at all unsafe to go there. Observe the physical reactions the scene causes in you, both as a third party and as a participant in the scene. You’ll probably find that the physical reactions you have when you take a step back from the scene are very different than the ones you felt as it was happening. The final step is to ask the earlier version of yourself caught up in the painful memory what is needed for them to be healed. During this stage, you will find that a false perception is at the root of your emotional pain. That might be the perception that you are evil or wrong for doing something normal, because an angry person told you so. This is the time to speak truth into that memory from your third party self so that the lie that’s trapped in that memory can be released. The guiding concept is “speak the truth in love.” This process may seem too simple to be effective in healing emotional pain, but it is in fact an incredibly powerful first step in being released from the faulty memories that cause you stress in ways that you may not even recognize now.

Key to Health & Happiness

Relieving that stress is the key to future health and happiness. This healing is available to anyone willing to work through the false perceptions stored within their mind’s mental images. Make the commitment to getting the help you need to begin this healing in yourself.

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