Unwillingness masquerading as confusion, fear, and a host of other “symptoms”

emotional-developmentI don’t wanna…! You can’t make me… Nooo! We expect these reactions from children, but more than 50% of all soul corrections’ foundational issue is this unwillingness, this resistance. If you remember, all soul corrections are, fundamentally, about restricting desireContinue reading

See the original post – 

Unwillingness masquerading as confusion, fear, and a host of other “symptoms”

Force your thinking brain to work

51OOOMK5tcLI had an insight into how our education system fosters only first brain thinking and how to force the thinking brain to work… I am reading a book, Stumbling on happiness… so far it’s excellent, funny, witty, and very enlightening. … Continue reading

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Force your thinking brain to work

Just because someone’s vibration is low today…

the-future-is-not-set-in-stone-and-even-if-it-was-stone-can-be-broken-quote-1…it doesn’t mean that they are a bad person. Or that vibration, that future is set in stone… Your vibration is an accurate snapshot of where you are on the vibrational scale today. Your guru, your spouse, your boss… or … Continue reading

Original post: 

Just because someone’s vibration is low today…

Theta Mode training… first take

tangerine-spotI have been under the weather… mainly because of withdrawal symptoms after I stopped drinking milk. Lost my voice… But I promised to make a video, so made a first take… not very good, but it will hold you over … Continue reading

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Theta Mode training… first take

John Wooden’s way to raise vibration and consciousness

wooden-pyramidI have been looking a map to show you how to get from where you are to a high consciousness, to a high vibration. Today I watched two John Wooden (UCLA basketball coach) videos on youtube, and got the feeling … Continue reading

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John Wooden’s way to raise vibration and consciousness

Make consciousness guide you and other important stuff

As you may know, I work with consciousness… Let me rephrase that: I send consciousness to do research for me before I choose a path. Of course, consciousness is not some entity independent of me, so it cannot go far… … Continue reading

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Make consciousness guide you and other important stuff

Your life is a mess… can you clean it up with consciousness?

challengedI was talking about the wrong turns one makes in life; you make them several times a day… To the mind, choosing between two options, and getting yourself into a horrible dead end is no big deal. Easy as pie… … Continue reading

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Your life is a mess… can you clean it up with consciousness?

Can a spiritual capacity turn off ADHD-like symptoms? Procrastination?

adhd-like-symptomsI feel and I behave like an injured quarterback without my usual programs at my usual computer. And the big winter storm is here… so I most likely won’t get the new computer on Thursday… Eh, we’ll just limp along, … Continue reading

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Can a spiritual capacity turn off ADHD-like symptoms? Procrastination?

Who are you? What is your real self? Where is your real self?

10483584_341258836063662_850740459_nEveryone, even the most shallow people, wonder who they are. Really. By the time you are out of high school you have a constructed identity, but it is neither you, nor it makes you happy. But it may make it … Continue reading

Continued here:  

Who are you? What is your real self? Where is your real self?

Magical Thinking and Activating DNA capacities

chinese-ritualAs I am asking questions that are probing, like “what displaces humility when someone doesn’t accept the capacity?” I am bumping up again and again to magical thinking. When I look at the ethnic/cultural distribution of the people who block … Continue reading

See original article here: 

Magical Thinking and Activating DNA capacities