There is no hurry on the creative plane…

Wallace D. Wattles said that. One Hundred years ago. Of course he was mistaken in 70% of what he said; your thoughts do not create, etc. and yet. The 30% is worth its weight in gold. I have been practicing … Continue reading

Link to original:

There is no hurry on the creative plane…

Well Being, Aliveness, Energy, Inspiration, Life Force: How do you squash them so you are never really well?

Well Being, Aliveness, Energy, Inspiration, Life Force: How do you squash them so you are never really well? About 50% of my site’s new visitors come in search of a miracle way to get well. Another 30% come to find … Continue reading

Originally posted here:

Well Being, Aliveness, Energy, Inspiration, Life Force: How do you squash them so you are never really well?