Feeling lonely? Are you sure you are feeling your own feelings?

electric_flashAre your feelings yours? I had a realization a few minutes ago: Every summer I am attacked by this strong feeling that unless I have a life-partner, I am alone, and I have an empty life. It comes fortified with … Continue reading


Feeling lonely? Are you sure you are feeling your own feelings?

Tools to remove Dark Side attachments yourself

This article gives you some tools that you can use to remove the Dark Side attachments you unwittingly gathered through curiosity, greed, or desire to heal. If I refused to remove your attachments, this is what I can offer to … Continue reading

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Tools to remove Dark Side attachments yourself

On a lighter note…

I want you to look at funny… and tell me if the laugh you got is sympathetic, self-recognition, funny because it’s unexpected, unusual, etc. or derisive… Please… The deeper you see the faster you’ll raise your vibration. Guaranteed.  

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On a lighter note…

What does your laughter mean? What does your laughter do?

There are two kinds of laughter. Depending on what predominates, you are a happy person or an unhappy person. You have peace or you have turbulence. The two kinds of laughs are derisive laugh benevolent laugh: the laughter of recognition … Continue reading


What does your laughter mean? What does your laughter do?

What to do with what you don’t want, don’t like, don’t agree with?

Do you get hooked? People pushing your buttons? Ultimately, every time you encounter something you don’t want, don’t like, don’t agree with, your first reaction is resistance, i.e. not allowing what you don’t like to be. When you pretend to … Continue reading

View this article: 

What to do with what you don’t want, don’t like, don’t agree with?

What did Genghis Khan, the greatest conqueror in history do to raise his people’s IQ?

I have been reading about the Mongols, the nomadic people that occupied lands and people in the 13th century, from the Pacific Ocean to the Mediterranean Sea, in the 13th Century under Genghis Khan. 99% of those Mongols didn’t read, … Continue reading

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What did Genghis Khan, the greatest conqueror in history do to raise his people’s IQ?

Just posted an article on how fructose in the infant formula may have formed your personality

There are some unchallenged myths about well-being, being emotionally and intellectually well-adjusted, that are ripe to be challenged. One of the myths, one of the urban legends is that infants, when they grow up in an institution, and aren’t touched, … Continue reading

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Just posted an article on how fructose in the infant formula may have formed your personality

New healing article on the healing blog

I discuss there three recent healing sessions… I wish I had waited a day… Today we used the entire connection call to heal Maria who is making the rounds from doctor to doctor. It was an amazing call and very … Continue reading

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New healing article on the healing blog

I have started a new blog, just on the energies and on healing

There is so much that is happening that posting about it simply isn’t a good fit for this blog. So this morning I started another blog, same look, different content, at https://healing.by-sophie.com. I post there about the energies, about my … Continue reading

Link – 

I have started a new blog, just on the energies and on healing

The New Healing Modality: Revolutionary, Innovative, and Effective

I have just finished writing and editing a new pdf about the New Healing Modality. Thank you Matsa for the editing help: great work. It’s 11 pages, and it tells you everything I think you need to know about the … Continue reading

Taken from – 

The New Healing Modality: Revolutionary, Innovative, and Effective