How much energy do you need to create the good life and maintain it?

If you want to grow as a person, or grow anything worth growing, you need energy. Lots of it. Continuously. Physical law says that systems, unless they are very highly organized closed systems, like the brain, will fall apart with … Continue reading

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Misweighing Bias… are you penny wise and dollar foolish?

It’s Tuesday and I just got back from my exercise class. It was full today. Everyone was in post-holiday mode, except a few people. I had a conversation with a woman, and had a chance to see how certain words, … Continue reading

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Why is the “need to meet others’ expectation” so important, and why it’s a mistake to not honor it?

And how it doesn’t mean to please everybody, or even one person. You’ll see… Our language is so corrupt, it is hard to find a person who means what they say… I mean the words. You’ll see what meeting others’ … Continue reading

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If you don’t take feedback well, you need to grow up and get cracking.

You need to get better, maybe even good at it. So here are a few “memes” I picked today. When you distinguish something, the whole world seems to rotate around the thing you just distinguished, so feedback showed up everywhere. … Continue reading

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How the left brain blocks all your attempts to evolve as a person…

I am reading a book that says that humans used to be able to live from their right-brain, meaning they were a lot more intelligent. The book says that people with damage to their left brain can become savants, exceptional … Continue reading

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Gatekeepers To Attaining The Good Life You Could Renegotiate With?

This article reveals the tip of a significant iceberg. Icebergs are huge chunks of ice, shaped like a pyramid. The tip of that pyramid shows above the water level, the rest of the iceberg is underwater wreaking havoc. With most things in life, the invisible … Continue reading

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How Visualization Can Help You Attain Results… and Why It Probably Won’t?

Visualization is a tool to accomplish what you want, but it can also be the tool to diagnose what you are not resonating with. Or a tool to get trapped in the desire trap. The ultimate clue as to what … Continue reading

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Love is not a feeling. Love is generosity. Allowing the other to fulfill their needs while you are fulfilling your own

This article is not about the “love” you, or Wikipedia call love… it’s about another love… What we customarily call love is a “hardware-based need”, the need to make our genes to survive in some offspring. And some of us … Continue reading

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Cynicism, resignation, feeling your feelings… turn your resistance into flow

Somebody said that being in the 900s, I must be in the flow. I felt that what she meant and what it means are very different. Most of what is termed “flow” is a feeling that everything is OK… That … Continue reading

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How your past self is creating your future and what you can do about it

There is a Landmark Education distinction that no one gets… It has a huge overlap with the distinction “you live in a world of your own design”. This, the “you live in a world of your own design” is somewhat … Continue reading

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