Are you a soul-less human? Are reptilian influences real?

The reason humanity (and your life) looks the way it looks is because you are a coward.

What do I mean by that? Some people know that they are cowards, some people suspect that they may be cowards, but most people don’t know and don’t give a rat’s ass if they are cowards or not.

What am I talking about?

I am talking about humans’ delusional nature.

It takes courage to have a world view where you are responsible for what you do, who you are being, what you say.
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How does David Hawkins test vibrations? How do I?

One of the things I do as a ‘marketer’ is check how people get to my site,

One of the interests that bring people here is trying to get an answer to the question: ‘how does Hawkins test vibrations?’

And although it is a good question, an even better question would be: ‘what does David Hawkins mean by vibration?’ that he comes up with numbers so different from mine. Example is Mother Teresa. According to David Hawkins, her vibration is 700. According to my muscle test she vibrates at 300.
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Who are you? Beauty, truth or goodness? Let’s find out

I was having an interesting conversation with one of my students.

Because he wanted to write his thesis on the Feelings book, an unknown entity, he needed to gain his thesis counselor’s support. And maybe even his enthusiasm. Or he was going to be alone… and it was going to be a tough road to hoe.
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Entitlement, deserving: do you get what you deserve?

What is the opposite of entitled?
This question around entitlement is asked on google thousands times a day, and the trend is that this number is growing steadily.

More in certain countries… More in religious countries… Christian countries… Countries with deep Christian roots, like Ireland. One can safely assume that entitled, and deserving was invented by Christianity to promote certain behaviors that a father would want their child to demonstrate.

Other words that express this same entitlement are deserve and deserving.
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Trim Tab, the counter cultural tool of winners

You want to raise your vibration? Want to be happy, fulfilled, harmonious, in balance, at peace? This may be the most important article you can read.

Without this tool you have a rough ride, with this tool… your ride is smooth.

One of the most counter-cultural distinctions that came from Buckminster Fuller is the trim tab, or small actions that turns big ships.

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