Why is it that you don’t like yourself, your behavior, your looks, and your life?

More conspiracy theories that can open your eyes

Could you identify the many ways you don’t like yourself an your life?

Most likely, these areas are areas where conspiracy distorted your behavior, distorted your thinking, distorted your expectations.

Consciously, willfully, with malicious intent.

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Soul Correction: The Big Picture

Soul Correction: The Big Picture

Your cone of vision is so narrow, that you cannot even see that you are not your mind, that you are not your ego, that you are not your body, that you are not your past, that you are not your desires.

In that narrow beam of a pen-light every moment you are somebody different, identifying with a different aspect of you… and there is no YOU… You have no core, you have no substance, you are just a pen light…

We all live as if we could see reality, but we are wrong. We walk around with a narrow cone of vision, never considering the environment, the context, other people’s life, thoughts, history, emotions, we walk around if there were no one else but us, nothing else but what we see.

Everything that is outside of the narrow cone of vision that we actually see, is black and white and all shades of gray: no color. We have no details, and we never look there.

We can’t see the forest for the trees, we never see cause and effect, and we never own up to the fact that we never even attempt to see the big picture.

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How they enslave a person, a nation, the world

You have heard the expression over and over again: “History Repeats Itself”

The history we are talking about here is bad. Wars, oppression, mass killings, abuse, lawlessness, tyranny, fascism, genocide… but as a rule, history, good or bad, repeats itself… We don’t mind the good… let it come, the more the merrier, but the bad? No thank you.

Why can BAD history repeat itself?

Why didn’t the people who saw the signs stop these processes in their beginning stages? Because they didn’t see the signs. By the time the signs are visible to the masses, the deed is done, people are dead, maimed, expelled, enslaved.

People of Germany, after the war was over, said: We didn’t see it.

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Are your friends under mind control?

Today’s article is for people that are able and willing to think. Readers. Learners. People able to hold a thought. If you are 90% of my visitors: leave now. Please.
We are under mind-controlling influences, most of the time. If you want to have a life not directed by the mind control influences, this article is a must to understand what they do and how they do it.

I also point you to the direction how to use this as your opportunity to become and Expanding Human Being.

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Slow down!

Want to get more? Grab less… The counter intuitive way to “do” life that works.
I once had a very good friend. We met in Landmark, and all we talked about is Landmark stuff… Landmark Education works through distinctions… and it is hard to explain what a distinction is, but I will give you examples, hopefully you can get it. One distinction this friend of mine was in love with is “slow down.” And another one, an outgrowth from there: “chew on it” or “chew”. I knew this guy for about seven years, and these were the distinctions that he spent all his time practicing and deepening. Exactly the opposite of what most people do.

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Why do you want to change?

A guru I used to know, had a conversation with members of his staff, when they wanted to marry someone.

In fact, he saw the couple.

The conversation’s purpose was to find out if the relationship can last or not.

The questions the guru asked of each half of the couple:

what is wrong with the other person

can you be (can you love them, tolerate them, live with them forever) with what’s wrong with them?

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Is the Universe friendly to you?

I sent out an email:
My email exchange
I sent out an email the other day. here is the whole email:
Is building confidence a topic you like?
I have been looking at topics that may be of interest to you, and so far, I have settled on building confidence…
Do you agree that if you had more confidence, you’d do more, you’d have more fun, you’d accomplish more, you’d feel better about yourself?
Please hit reply and let me know what you think.
There are no right answers, and there are no wrong answers. Only YOUR answer that matters to me.
I can’t wait. I’ll answer your email, I promise.
thank you in advance,
The answers knocked me conscious… Most of my subscribers don’t live on the same planet as me… we don’t see eye to eye…
The duping of the planet is almost complete…
Until you get that you are on your own, and the Universe is NOT on your side, your life will be hell.

Here are some of the email exchanges… and at the end of this article, I’ll point the way to a world where people are smart (YOU?) and self-sufficient…

Yes, Sophie, thanks! I agree. But I’d like to tell you one more thing that I’m not actually able to overcome – I cannot believe (I have no confidence) that the Universe is really on my side. You know, after too much time when things are going wrong (I mean years) and I can see a solution that would be for the best of everyone involved, and I asked, and I tried to command – there was I time I really felt confident I could have what my heart desires -, and I tried to work on myself but I don’t see anything good really coming my way except in my imagination and in “predictions” from “seers”, in time I lost the confidence I had in the Universe, even if I keep on reading that many people think quite the contrary. And I’m starting to think that many of those people are not true, too…

Furthermore, if I’m the only one to blame for my situations in life, that leaves no room for the existence of angels and spirit guides to help me out, so that leaves me completely on my own to face everything!! And I’m so alone at that that I really feel overwhelmed… so I hoped those beings were real and I tried to ask them as instructed by the so-called “angel ladies” and various channellers but I still had no help in coming out from my bad situations, only promises I don’t really believe in anymore.

Ok, sorry, maybe I’ve gone a little off topic (of what you asked), but I thought that maybe it could be helpful to remark that not only a lack of personal confidence is a problem but also a lack of confidence in the Universe.

Many thanks and all the best,

My answer: the truth is that you are on your own, and the Universe is not on your side. There are no angels, no spirit guides, and the angel ladies are blood sucking parasites.

Do you really think that? They’re all really lying? How can someone overcome their doubts, then, and their feelings of hopelessness?
Forgive me if I ask so clearly, but by
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Suppressed anger…

Anger is a big issue. Feeling anger is totally normal, but expressing it, feeling it is made wrong by society, by family, by spouses.

So we suppress it. We feel shame about it. And it is killing us.

I first attempted to learn how to release my accumulated anger when I was in my mid-thirties… and it took me ten years to do that. I had no guidance, no permission, no one to tell me how to do it, really.

The common misconception is that expressing anger is a good thing: just let it all hang out, yell, beat your pillow senseless, but that is just plain not true. Expressing anger as anger doesn’t empty you of anger, it just makes it worse, it drives it deeper.

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15 Different Ways to Get Yourself in Troubled Mode

People contact me and ask for their vibrational reading. I send it to them and they write back. Many say: their vibration should be higher… It is not clear to them what in their thinking makes their vibration so low… here are 15 reasons your vibration could be low:

15 styles of Distorted Thinking that distort your view of reality and make you miserable, low vibration, and seemingly irreparable

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The fullness of love, fulfillment, and the emptiness you try to fill

In this article I share what it takes to become a fulfilled human being… Not depending on the world for love, success, praise… being liked, being well thought of…

It is 9/11 today. 14 years ago this day I still thought that someone else can fill the gaping hole within me. That someone loving me can fill me with love.

That success will fill me with fulfillment.

It doesn’t, and it can’t.

Luckily I woke up from that induced societal slumber.

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