Boys, Girls, Gender, coming to peace – Tigers and Bears, oh my!

boys… I always wanted to be a boy. They seem unperturbed, laugh a lot. Today I prefer to be a woman. But as a child I really KNEW something was missing, and for years I thought it was cut off… So I really love this picture.

I remember sitting on the potty waiting for my navel to burst. I knew it was only a matter of time. I was mutilated below, and I was mutilated there. I didn’t know what was cut off, but I needed it.

I was 3-4 years old. My feet didn’t touch the ground yet.

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Trying: The Energetic Truth Why “Trying” Makes You Unsuccessful

Trying: the energetic truth why “trying” backfires…

There are all kinds of slogans, which, although they point in the right direction, use an invalid and untrue justification why you should follow them.

Let’s do an experiment: try to touch your nose. If you touched your nose, you didn’t understand the instructions. I didn’t say “touch your nose.” I said TRY to touch your nose. Trying is NOT doing. Someone who is trying to do something behaves in one of two ways, neither of which is effective:

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Are you talented? Is talent wasted on you?

This morning I have been experiencing an emotional roller coaster… as I am cycling through tens of people as I accidentally connect to them. Some gurus, Murakami, his wife, a marketing guru, my next door neighbor, my brother, some students, a site visitor from Hungary, my architecture school friend.

I can feel my face, my mouth… and I can recognize the micro expressions and identify them.

And then, of course, the emotions of my own reaction to their internal state… judgment, compassion, pity, sympathy…

I could write an article, a whole article, about each of them, but I’ll write about a word that screwed up countless lives… and probably still is.

As you know, a large period of my life I was an architect. Architecture school, in Hungary, is something you choose after high school, and it’s a five year study, every person takes the exact same classes.

The favorite or dreaded word of an architecture student was ‘talented’ or ‘not talented’.

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If Context Is More Important Than The Action… Then What’s Your Context That You Are Not Succeeding? That You Are Not Happy?

In today’s free webinar we’ll do an exercise to examine what’s your context in an area of life that is not working, where you are not as successful as you would like to.

It will be in a workshop format, so you will end up not only with some information, but an insight that can lead to transformation.

Beware, transformation is when you act on the insight.

For example, if you realize that when you hate someone, when you are angry and vengeful, you eat the poison that you mean for them, and you suffer not them. You are punishing yourself for something someone else did… then unless you turn it around and stop eating the poison, then you had only an insight but not a transformation.

For every transformation that happens for a human being, they often see thousands of insights.

Although the name of the activator “Serenity Activator” doesn’t seem to connect, this activator is the key to turning insights into transformations.

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Are you talented? Your talent: is it wasted?

This morning I have been experiencing an emotional roller coaster… as I am cycling through tens of people as I accidentally connect to them. Some gurus, Murakami, his wife, a marketing guru, my next door neighbor, my brother, some students, a site visitor from Hungary, my architecture school friend.

I can feel my face, my mouth… and I can recognize the micro expressions and identify them.

And then, of course, the emotions of my own reaction to their internal state… judgment, compassion, pity, sympathy…

I could write an article, a whole article, about each of them, but I’ll write about a word that screwed up countless lives… and probably still is.

As you know, a large period of my life I was an architect. Architecture school, in Hungary, is something you choose after high school, and it’s a five year study, every person takes the exact same classes.

The favorite or dreaded word of an architecture student was ‘talented’ or ‘not talented’.

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From my mailbox: How do I deal with being scared?

A woman is like a tea bag: you cannot tell how strong she is until you put her in hot water. -Nancy Reagan Same is true about a student, or a client…
Emailed Question:
Hello Sophie,
I was on your webinar (the new context webinar!) this past Wed July 17th. I don’t know if this is something that is of any importance to you, but you scare the s-h-i-t out of me. I’m not looking for a hug or anything. However, I spent a good deal of time being concerned that I’m going to piss you off and get deleted from the call.

I’ve been kicked off of a connection call before, and it feels horrible.

I realize that I need to be on these calls.

I also realize that I have to experience discomfort when getting to the truth about myself. So, here’s what I really want to know: what in the world do I or any of your other attendees do when we feel fear of being cut off? I certainly can’t go online to find another Sophie. If this issue is not worthy of being addressed, than disregard this email and this message will self-destruct. lol Thanks for reading

My answer: (expanded for this article)

Dear B.

I know I am tough on the calls. I need to get the job done, and I need tough students: doing the work of transformation is not for sissies. Transformation will first cause pain and then freedom… and the pain is significant.

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Our moral code was born out of “tradition”… Here is how it’s done…

Here is a very apt analogy how it works:

The monkeys and the banana
Start with a cage containing five monkeys.

Inside the cage, hang a banana on a string and place a set of stairs under it. Before long, a monkey will go to the stairs and start to climb towards the banana. As soon as he touches the stairs, spray all of the other monkeys with cold water.

After a while, another monkey makes an attempt with the same result – all the other monkeys are sprayed with cold water. Pretty soon, when another monkey tries to climb the stairs, the other monkeys will try to prevent it.

Now, put away the cold water. Remove one monkey from the cage and replace it with a new one. The new monkey sees the banana and wants to climb the stairs. To his surprise and horror, all of the other monkeys attack him.

After another attempt and attack, he knows that if he tries to climb the stairs, he will be assaulted.

Next, remove another of the original five monkeys and replace it with a new one. The newcomer goes to the stairs and is attacked. The previous newcomer takes part in the punishment with enthusiasm! Likewise, replace a third original monkey with a new one, then a fourth, then the fifth. Every time the newest monkey takes to the stairs, he is attacked.

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Are you a lump of coal dreaming itself a diamond?

Karl Marx, the author of Communist Manifesto and the whole ideology of socialism and communism, where there is forced equality, said:

Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people

Religion was constructed by people to calm uncertainty over their role in the universe and in society.

I can see that.
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Stuff I want you to see: The Guru Myth, Its Destructive Power and A Cure.

Sophie’s notes: I do not necessarily agree with a lot what’s written in this article, yet it’s a good piece of writing, and I want you to read it.

I will add some notes when I have time… And some vibrational measurements of the people he mentions… Patience, it’s coming.
The Guru Myth, Its Destructive Power and A Cure. (Now w/Videos!)

Via Julian Walker on Feb 28, 2012

The Word and The Myth.
The word “guru” has taken on a life of its own in Western pop culture. The media and advertising talk about “stock gurus,” “marketing gurus,” sports gurus” and on and on – the characterization being someone who has a particular insight into their chosen field and is trusted by others as being able to solve certain problems or provide a highly effective strategy on how to be successful.

We know of course that the word originates in India and simply means “teacher.” In India one’s schoolteacher, dance instructor, parent – really anyone in an authoritative or instructive role might be considered your guru in their particular domain.

But when the word is used in a spiritual context it has a very specific meaning and is located within a very particular Hindu belief system. A guru in this sense is a cut above ordinary human beings. What distinguishes the guru from us mere mortals is that they are “enlightened” or “self-realized.”

Basically the claim is that there are certain very special people who have crossed a very specific threshold in their spiritual awareness – and they know the ultimate truth about the nature of reality.

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