Lack of confidence? Difficulty to trust yourself? This article is a must read if you want to become confident!

Lacking confidence?
Summary: An enlightened being is confident. Confident in their ability to be a match to whatever life throws at them, and therefore they don’t fret, don’t sit around, they do what it takes to achieve what they set out to achieve.

A confident person can do almost anything. Confidence is not a belief, confidence is a certainty, a KNOWING, and it is a very high consciousness level… it is the capacity to see what isn’t there… because that is what it takes to KNOW that you are a match to anything, and if you fail, you’ll learn from it… just another way to be a match to life.
We could call the process of becoming confident the Path to Enlightenment…
Enlightenment is a process, that could be called becoming an Expanding Human Being… And the path to confidence… the process to become an Expanding Human Being, is finally ready.
And not surprisingly, this is the same path to a higher vibration, all the way from the puny vibration you have now, to the rarefied height of the 900’s, and anything in between.

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What would happen if you considered YOURSELF a business? Would you continue mistreating yourself?

What would happen if you considered yourself a business? You would consider that your activities either add to the value of the business, or take away from it? Your purchases, your skill level, your attitude, your “customer relations”, your research and development, your maintenance would either contribute to the business of you, or take away from it… would you manage yourself differently? would you treat yourself differently? would you still spend your time doing what you do?

I bet you would have a ton of upset about the things stand now, and a lot to do to turn your life matching a business you’d desire to be! I know, this is exactly what’s happening to me.

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Why you are not as well as you’d like to be?

Diagnosis: what is it and why is it important for your emotional and physical well being? Or for your money, your relationship, your happiness?
Summary: In this article I prove that only by going back to the root of the discomfort, dis-ease, and misfortune, that you can “heal” the present and make the future more to your liking.
Whether it is in the area of your health, wealth, relationships, emotions, or your spiritual life.

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How can I help you grow? How can I help you raise your vibration?

My business is to teach you and coach you to do what it takes to raise your vibration.

It is very difficult to explain to anyone how to raise their vibration… because your current vibration prevents you from hearing what I say. And yet, my job is to teach you how to raise your vibration.

A few weeks ago I asked all my subscribers to answer a question: “what do you want in your life?”

I intentionally made the question very generic and very general, because some of the subscribers have been my students, and some spent as many as one hour total on the site, so there is a whole range of people with a whole wide range of exposure to my work.

Most of the answers were predictable: people said what they wanted to get or to have or to experience…

A few of the answers were something that told me that the person is willing to work towards that…

And one person was specific enough and also asked for help so I’d like to answer his questions publicly:

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The attitude of high self-esteem, does it help you or hinder you? Here is your answer…

High self-esteem can be expressed in the picture of the cat looking in the mirror seeing herself as a lion. But is she? No. Therefore, any time she is just a cat, doing what cats do, she will feel bad about herself, because she isn’t living up to her own self-image of a roaring lion. She won’t be happy just being a cat, she won’t take correction, she’ll argue with you to death that she is OK, she doesn’t need to change, that she is a perfect lion.

That cat is you, my dear. Result: everything you try to change your life fails, because in order to change you need to allow yourself to not be perfect. In order to be trained, you need to empty your mind of everything that’s there, and declare yourself ignorant.

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How to Think For Yourself… or how not be a buffalo

When buffalo were still common in North America, Native American hunters learned a trick to hunt the herd animals. Buffalo don’t look up when moving as a group. In fact, if a few buffalo in a herd were startled into running, the entire herd would charge, even if most of the buffalo had no idea what they were running from.

The Native American hunters learned that if they encouraged a few buffalo to start running towards a cliff, the entire herd would run off the edge. The buffalo followed the group thinking, and couldn’t stop themselves–even when it meant their own deaths.

Although you’re probably not gullible enough to run off a cliff, it’s easy to stop thinking for yourself. It’s easy, because you don’t realize when you’re doing it. Thinking for yourself takes effort, and it’s easy to be tricked into going over the edge.

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Two new posts on my healing blog

I’ll be 67 next week, so being well, getting better is a frequent thought. Working on myself is an activity I don’t find pleasure in… but luckily, as an empath, my hands on healing modality is healing by proxy, so when I work on a client I work on myself as well.

One of the things I seem to need regularly is liver flushing. Why? I don’t know, I don’t care, I only car that it gets done. But, and it is strange to me too, all the energies get stronger when there are recipients, so cleansing my own liver takes a lot more effort, than cleansing someone else’s and get my own done in the process.

So I strive to have at least one steady client at any one time, even if it is not a paid client.

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Spiritual Millionaire… is that possible?

I just finished a two hour long presentation by one of my teachers, T. Harv Eker.

Now I know why I have been hesitant teaching abundance and making money… why not leave it to someone who is really good at it. And Harv is really good at it.

I took many of his classes, some I took several times.

Did I get rich? No. Why? Partly because I didn’t follow many things he teaches,. and partly because I personally am afraid of having too much money… I am afraid that it will take me off the path.

But the stuff is good and it is on the path to truth, even if the individual pieces may not be quite the truth. But there is literally no one out there who doesn’t mix bs with truth… I may be one, but I am not very successful with money so it is hard for me to see that I can teach it, even though abundance, which is not the same as a lot of money, I am really good at

Anyway, I pirated the video, and you can watch it on my subscribers page. You need to register and confirm your email to get it. Or you can go to to watch it on MindValley’s site.

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Why are people Judgmental? that is only the tip of the iceberg? What is at the base?

You may be judgmental, and have been trying to change your behavior for a long time, unsuccessfully.

This, trying the change, is a part of a long string of things you are or have been failing at.

The REAL REASON is buried below several layers of justifications, and without getting to the base layer, the foundation of it, you will never be able to change the behavior.

You may be able to change what comes out of your mouth, but not what you think. Inside you still judge, and then pretend the opposite.

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What do you need to do to raise your vibration?

Mary asks: what do I need to do to raise my vibration?

To be able to answer that question, we need to agree on what the vibrational number indicates.
What does the vibrational number indicate?
Unfortunately, unlike a speedometer that only measures one thing: speed, unlike a thermometer, that only measures one thing, temperature, the vibrational scale measures a lot more.

And the Anna Karenina principle starts kicking in: Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way. Or the way Aristotle expressed it: For men are good in but one way, but bad in many.

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