When a memory intrudes on you, persistently…

When a memory intrudes on you, persistently, you should consider it as a sign that there is something in that memory that needs to be dealt with.

Mostly wretchedness, I have found. But wretchedness not dealt with, not confronted, not looked straight in the eye, festers and like an undertow, runs your life.

My memory is an incident from 35 years ago.

I was in Germany, and this man treated me as special. I fell for it. I remember I was going to do anything for him, but he was more awake than myself, and he dumped me.

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If your vibration is low, the more something resonates with you the less its truth value or Why Paul Selig is so popular

If your vibration is low, the more something resonates with you the less its truth value.
Why? Because you like what you are. You are attracted what confirms what you think, how you are, who you are, what you know.

There is no mystery why humanity is growing away from its true nature, not towards it.

Watch who and what is hugely popular?

The more popular someone is, the more people they attract, the closer their “truth” is to the common society trained mind. The more it sounds true to the low vibration man… The average vibration on the Planet is 120… the closer a guru is to that vibration the more people they attract.

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Where do you look to get the answers?

Look for the answer inside your question.

Warning: this article is quite offensive to your current picture of yourself… Consider yourself warned.

If you managed to read the Osho talk on self-knowledge, long-long-long talk! please note that this article will make a lot more sense after you read that talk…

I had an hour long conversation yesterday with a friend, and at the end it turned out that the recorder was not working… Oh well… sometimes it is for the best.

The question I was kicking around is this:

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