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LeijaTurunen asked:

Watch part 1 before this video to hear the story I share about the power of gratitude, love, GIVING from a place of unconditional love & staying in vibrational harmony with your source. 🙂 I know a lot of people out there don’t believe in the law of attraction or don’t believe that everything OUT THERE is a mirror of what’s in HERE… and I can feel you. I see where you’re coming from. BUT, here’s something to ponder- I feel the reason why we have things like poverty, war, famine, etc is because we have a collective belief in these things which is why they exist on this planet. 99.9 % of the people on this planet don’t want these things, but they occur because of this collective belief system (influenced by the control systems). But each & every person actually has the ability to shift into a reality where this doesn’t exist- The more of us wake up to this fact, the sooner we’ll be able to move out of this mess & into paradise. 🙂 Anyway, I mentioned in this video that I would include a few holistic modalities that help release fear, limiting belief systems, suppressed emotions, etc. Here are some I recommend: Look into The Healing Theta Healing is something I’m currently looking into/ possibly becoming a certified practitioner in. I’ve heard nothing but amazing stories! Theta healing not only helps get down to/ remove subconscious reasons for illness/ disease, it also addresses anything in the subconscious that is preventing you from living

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