How to be with The things you can’t be with, you can’t accept

I got a really great question yesterday from a student.

He asks: Is it possible to be with what you can’t accept, killing, rape, and such? And how do you do it without jeopardizing your personal values, your personal integrity, and at the same time still be able to be happy and not be mired in the dark energies of hatred?

This is a really great question. After all isn’t the world REALLY divided to right and wrong? Good or bad? And wouldn’t it put you on the side of bad and wrong if you accepted what you don’t agree with, what you don’t like, what you abhor?

The answer to the question, as almost always, is hidden in the question.

It takes a shift of vantage point.

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Is how you feel, your mood, an accurate indicator of your vibration? Energies part 6

Please check the special offer on the mini speaker that sounds like a Bose (the best audio I know). Also a great gift! Harmonize your vibration included!

Dr David Hawkins says that your mood indicated your vibration aka consciousness level. Is that accurate?

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Why you do what you do, and why you don’t do what you don’t do?

There are two types of students and there are two types of teachers.

Teacher One says: I’ll teach you!
Teacher Two says: I won’t quit until you learned it!

Student One says: I’ll come to your class, I’ll pay for your program and then I’ll try!
Student Two says: I’ll do whatever it takes to make sure I learn it and have it for myself.

This is not limited to learning…

One person says: I’ll try
Another person says: I can do it
The third person says: I’ll do it until it’s done

People who are willing to try are many. Teachers, students, doesn’t matter.

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On feeling slighted. Your profound life experience Part 1

Warning: this article is a stream of consciousness article, and you need to read it like a poem, or it probably won’t make a lot of sense. On the other hand it is very important to read, if you want a chance at having the rest of your life not a continuation of the life you have had… That predictable download spiral.
When your whole life experience is that others are more loved, more supported, more appreciated
I had a dream last night that rocked my world. Not in a good way… by the way.

I dreamed that my older brother achieved what I worked, unsuccessfully, to achieve for 26 years… and it took him only a few months.

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The biggest challenge in transformation and a free video

I have said it before, but can’t say this enough, you live in a world of your own design, a puny 1% of reality. That is the world your conscious mind knows, and you only have fleeting glimpses of a world beyond that.

When you read, watch a movie, listen to me, you hear what resonates with you inside this 1% world, and at best humor me about the rest.

The method transformation needs to employ is to shock you out of your 1%, so you can see that the world is bigger than you see it.

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The new worry epidemic

This article is long… the original writer was probably paid for each word… In spite of my intent to edit it, I could not make it shorter.

The gist of it is that instead of using our god given ability to think to think things through, to plan, to prevent, we use it instead to worry… Worry is unproductive and makes absolutely no difference. In fact, it makes you stupid… Very stupid, unprepared, make emotional decisions, avoid action… in simple terms, to become a Shrinking Human… instead of an Expanding Human Being.

Oh, and it also makes you sick… if being sick and stupid with worry weren’t enough.

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