How does David Hawkins test vibrations? How do I?

One of the things I do as a ‘marketer’ is check how people get to my site,

One of the interests that bring people here is trying to get an answer to the question: ‘how does Hawkins test vibrations?’

And although it is a good question, an even better question would be: ‘what does David Hawkins mean by vibration?’ that he comes up with numbers so different from mine. Example is Mother Teresa. According to David Hawkins, her vibration is 700. According to my muscle test she vibrates at 300.
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Is how you feel, your mood, an accurate indicator of your vibration? Energies part 6

Please check the special offer on the mini speaker that sounds like a Bose (the best audio I know). Also a great gift! Harmonize your vibration included!

Dr David Hawkins says that your mood indicated your vibration aka consciousness level. Is that accurate?

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Your vibration and your world view… are you expecting to raise your vibration without changing your world view?

I watched an episode of House last night. One of the characters says to Dr. House: “But you are not curious!” The bells went off in my head. That’s it! That moment suddenly made it clear to my why all my work has been ineffective with you, why you haven’t become an Expanding Human Being, in spite of your good intentions, in spite of all my articles, activators, courses… Your fundamental view of reality hasn’t changed, hasn’t changed at all.

You live in a world where you consider yourself a thing among other things. Where you and others have the characteristics of things: fixed, permanent, unchangeable and unchanged.

That is your world view.

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Are you hoping for second chances? Life after death, heaven, reincarnation?

make-the-right-decisionsDoes one size fit all… What is good for one will be good for you too? Yesterday a reader asked what is the series I watched all day on my birthday. The question indicates and unmasks a cultural phenomenon: thinking … Continue reading

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Are you hoping for second chances? Life after death, heaven, reincarnation?