Wrestling back the steering wheel of your life from…

Wrestling back the steering wheel of your life from ADD, frustration, depression, anger, and more
“It is not what you do for your children, but what you have taught them to do for themselves that will make them successful human beings.”
Of all the 10 starting point measurements, the most telling is your TLB score.

It tells me, and it tells you, how much discomfort you are able to experience and not run away mentally, emotionally, or physically. And therefore it tells you whether you can have the good life, health, wealth, love and fulfillment… or not.

Its activating mechanism is below your conscious awareness, and is quite habitual.

In modern parlance they call it “Attention Deficit”… but it’s B.S.

As long as there is no structural difference between an ADD person’s brain and a person who can stay planted… attentive, it is more a habit than a disease.
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The ground of your being… The dance floor of your life

The ground of your being is the dominant way you are… to which you return, like returning home.

Religion, spiritual teachers have been duping you. They say that the ground of your being is “being a spiritual being, having a human experience.” That is horse shit, and largely the reason no one has been able to carve out an enjoyable life with that principle.

Some issues cannot be fixed. One such issue is your identity, the identity you built and have been polishing. The ground of your being. The dance floor of your life.
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Why can’t you get from A to Z? Why does it look hopeless?

Personal note: I have been in this transformation game since 1985. I never understood why the human condition was the way it was, why it was hopeless. I didn’t know about the selfish gene… I was completely ignorant.  Like most transformational teachers I was ignorant.

A little knowledge is dangerous in the hand of someone who only missed that little knowledge… a little knowledge is dangerous in my hands. I am now confident that with this new knowledge I can guide you to better to win in life.
If you are here, then I guess everything is not going as well as you’d like it to.

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When human arrogance puts its feet in the door truth escapes

When human arrogance sticks its feet in the door truth escapes

The average truth value of medical and body science is 3%. The 97% combines what we don’t know, and what arrogance says… and is not true.

Today I had luck on my side, and I was taken to a site and to a ‘technology’ that has a higher truth value. It is a whopping 10%. Which means 90% is b.s.
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In my first incident, my defining incident, I was stupid.

In my first incident, my defining incident, I was stupid.

That is what was wrong with me. That is why what happened happened to me. Because I was stupid.

And to my utter mortification, this morning I discovered that it just went underground, but it still operates me a lot of the time. Maybe not always, but enough.

So what’s wrong with that? After all being smart is good, isn’t it?
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Lethargy, aimlessness, listlessness, the blahs, no ambition?

In the Wisdom Course I took more than 25 years ago, between Saturday and Sunday we had a homework. To write an autobiography through a filter of our choice.

The filter could be where you lived, who you live with, your love affairs, your schooling, your health, the sports you participated in… anything.

I don’t remember what filter I used then, but in this article I’ll do a little of that homework through the filter: depression.
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