The in-order-to syndrome that wastes your life… Do you have it?

2-ingredient-blueberry-dessert-5Why were you happy as a child and what you lost that you could regain? Children live for the now moment, until they get corrupted by their parents. They do what they do NOT in order to get something else, … Continue reading

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The in-order-to syndrome that wastes your life… Do you have it?

What is your self-image? Are self-image questions, personality profiles, Kolbe test give you a correct answer?

one of those thest that give you false results and a faulty self-imageThere is a fundamental built-in error in tests that involve answering questions about ourselves. I have found that personality tests that rely on your knowing yourself and to predict what you would do in certain situations, are profoundly flawed. _1 … Continue reading

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What is your self-image? Are self-image questions, personality profiles, Kolbe test give you a correct answer?

How come humanity hasn’t evolved the past 50 thousand years?

fake-lawsHow come that humanity hasn’t evolved the past 50 thousand years? What is, what has been preventing it from naturally evolving, from going to the next stage of evolution where freedom, joy, is normal like breathing. My personal vote goes … Continue reading


How come humanity hasn’t evolved the past 50 thousand years?

15 Fun Facts I bet you didn’t know… nothing serious

Horizontal image of a red Ultra Large Crude Carrier, or "Super Tanker."  These vessels are capable of carrying up to two million barrels of oil across the seas.I have a ton of attachments to pull… so I have no energy remained to write a good article… So instead here are 15 fun facts. Enjoy.  

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15 Fun Facts I bet you didn’t know… nothing serious

Damage control, reputation management and my vibrational reviews

social_bombI started to publish my vibrational reviews four years ago. The first public notice by a person I reviewed was about a year ago. But today I get a ton of comments, where the commenter doesn’t even look at the … Continue reading

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Damage control, reputation management and my vibrational reviews

Can I connect directly to your Consciousness to get you well?

Unexpectedly, I am finding myself doing health coaching on the Reclaim program. Although that wasn’t my original intention, it turns out that if someone chooses to get well, get enough energy to live life well, to relate well, to find … Continue reading


Can I connect directly to your Consciousness to get you well?

Is it nourishing or is it titillating?

How our sense of what is nourishing and what is junk got atrophied I like reading and watching investigative, detective, police procedural books and movies. I have noticed a new trend: when I ask myself at the end of a … Continue reading


Is it nourishing or is it titillating?

What is high vibration, really?

What is high vibration? It’s possible that all you do to raise your vibration is plain wrong and actually lowers your vibration. I got this email this morning: Hello Sophie, I have read some of Your reviews. I thought raising … Continue reading

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What is high vibration, really?

Intelligence is like money: it can buy you a lot or it can buy you junk

  Get Rid of Frustration Once and for All? I just pulled the energetic attachments from two guys, and I had an insight while I was doing it. Both guys are frustrated: given how smart they are, their results should … Continue reading

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Intelligence is like money: it can buy you a lot or it can buy you junk

Find a Growth Method That Matches Your Personality

There are two categories of humans sheep, victim, the effect… not in action, hoping, praying, visualizing, etc. the climber In this article I want to talk about the climber. The politician. The ruthless user. The win-lose type of person. Why … Continue reading

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Find a Growth Method That Matches Your Personality