Self-Awareness, Self-Knowledge: how do you avoid duping yourself and start growing?

I was on a coaching call this morning. The student feels that he could be more, and that is what brought him to my programs. He raised his vibration from 130 to 200 in six days, and continues to come to the coaching calls.

He would like to own his own business. I recommended that he finds out where he is at, what he is like, so he increases his self-awareness… and finds out what is the reality he is in… I asked him to take the blue pill (the Matrix movie) so he can see the reality, whatever that may be.

Then I gave him a homework to do that with: a few questions to ask his friends, co-workers, family.

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The truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off… or make you an outcast, or crazy

This article is not for everybody… Exercise caution!

I think I am going crazy.

The main reason people, most of them, almost all of them, are authoritarian, meaning not doing their own due diligence finding out if what is being disseminated as the truth is really credible, is that the truth is horrible.

Your mind acts as a filter, it doesn’t allow anything to go through and become conscious that you can’t handle. If it did, we would have a lot more schizophrenics that we do.

If it is safe to pass out, the mind will make you lose consciousness if the input is too strong for you to handle. If it is not safe to pass out, it will bury the true extent and meaning of the information until you are ready.

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Boys, Girls, Gender, coming to peace – Tigers and Bears, oh my!

boys… I always wanted to be a boy. They seem unperturbed, laugh a lot. Today I prefer to be a woman. But as a child I really KNEW something was missing, and for years I thought it was cut off… So I really love this picture.

I remember sitting on the potty waiting for my navel to burst. I knew it was only a matter of time. I was mutilated below, and I was mutilated there. I didn’t know what was cut off, but I needed it.

I was 3-4 years old. My feet didn’t touch the ground yet.

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