How does self-fulfilling prophecy really work?

We are still hanging out with The Sight capacity…
Everybody teaches that what you think about comes about.
What they base this inane untruth on is the bad things that you somehow seem to make happen by concentrating on them through fear.

And although the fear-based manifestation is true a lot of the time, the ‘positive’ manifestation happens only as accident, if ever.
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How self-fulfilling prophecy really works, or what is the difference between thinking and having thoughts

Everybody teaches that what you think about comes about. What they base this inane untruth on is the bad things that you somehow seem to “make happen” by concentrating on them through fear.

And although the fear-based “manifestation” is true a lot of the time, the “positive” manifestation happens only as accident, if ever.

The basis of the “negative manifestation” is called self fulfilling prophecy in psychology, which is a pseudo-science based on observation and theories.

Most of the theories in any discipline are wrong, so nothing special about psychology. What is special is how pseudo religion, law of attraction made it a law… churns my stomach. And we all ate it in our fervent desire to gain some control over our lives.

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Turning your life around on a dime… or how to become a winner in life

In this article I am going to illustrate a method of turning your life around, going from mundane, boring, safe, and probably unhappy, to a life that excites you, a life of adventure, and joy.

The example is real: I went through this just about an hour ago… so it is real and it’s fresh. Here you go:
I have been waking up every morning disappointed that I woke up. I have had the

“I only woke up in the morning because I didn’t die the night before”

This morning I sat on the edge of my bed, looking at this mood, curiously. The “I” that was watching, was sympathetic and compassionate to the miserable “I” that was sitting on the edge of the bed.

“But it makes no difference,” the miserable I said. “People are set in their ways, the dark side wins by numbers, and no matter what I do, it makes no difference… not really!” it continued its whining.

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Boys, Girls, Gender, coming to peace – Tigers and Bears, oh my!

boys… I always wanted to be a boy. They seem unperturbed, laugh a lot. Today I prefer to be a woman. But as a child I really KNEW something was missing, and for years I thought it was cut off… So I really love this picture.

I remember sitting on the potty waiting for my navel to burst. I knew it was only a matter of time. I was mutilated below, and I was mutilated there. I didn’t know what was cut off, but I needed it.

I was 3-4 years old. My feet didn’t touch the ground yet.

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