Your emotional baseline and your chances for success

I read a very interesting article today. It is about being able to predict from how you were as a baby and toddler your chances for success, your chances for being smart, your chances for aberrant, deviant behavior, like crime or addictions.

And although most of you, if you read it, will be resigned to how you turned out, or alternatively argue till you are hoarse with the predictions, there is a more constructive way to read the article: get guidance.

Of course, if you are already having trouble in life, you are habitually relating to everything as a good reason to get depressed, turn to the bottle, get angry, or eat more m&m’s, but if you are not quite there, there is the guidance I recommend that you get:

All of those signs you demonstrated as a toddler are correctable by the Bach Flower Energies.

If you have a propensity for being impatient, wanting immediate gratification, not being able to hang in there and do what you need to do even if it is tedious, or unsuccessful at the moment, the Bach Flower Energy Impatience will increase your capacity for more patience, so you can actually get something done, learn something, hang in there.

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Talk back to me: Are my audios subliminal? Do I have trade secrets? What’s in the audios?

Thank you for sending the audio.

The effect I’m experiencing – is that I feel more determined to accomplish my goals. I feel driven – as if nothing will stop me from seeing my goals completed.

I tried to explain your audios to someone, but she wanted more info. Without giving away trade secrets – you need to be clearer on what the audios are. Do you have subliminal messages beneath the nature sounds, is it just sounds, vibrations? People are unwilling to try something new unless you explain exactly what they are getting. Lots of people have tried everything under the sun without getting results, so now people are getting a little wary. Just my thoughts…

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