Playground: it is never too late to have a happy childhood

The playground distinction: A simple distinction really… uncollapse reality and your commentary and you’ll stop marker feelings (emotions) from pulling you out of your well-being.

A relatively short sentence… But like with everything that is simple: it is not easy.

It is not easy to see, and it is not easy to not leave the two sides collapsed… the world, religion, society, your rules fight against it.

Morality, societal rules, personal rules, ego

If your moral values come from religion, school, they will be hard to break
Your ego may have created rules in which you have to be smart, even smarter than others… hard to break
Your ancestral history may put you in a victim/abused/exploited mindset, and that is hard to break
Your soul correction may work actively against you growing, becoming whole and complete
and a lot more (Read the footnotes!)

In a previous article I mentioned that even though I even lead the Playground back in 1988, I got a huge breakdown that I could barely climb through in 1995 when my mother died.

How is that possible? I was already masterful at uncollapsing the two sides of the picture… so why? How? What was missing?
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