The story you tell is your reality. The story you tell the story you live. Don’t like it?Change it

I am still undecided about making my posts public. I will not stop writing, because writing is how I do my processing, and I will never want to stop processing. But whether I will make it available, my most secret, most precious thoughts to everyone off the street, that is a question I am pondering.

I attempted to turn the blog into a members only site, and it failed. Once burned twice shy, I am not sure what I want to do… So while I am processing this, I will still write articles, or republish others’ if it’s appropriate, like this one:
Nine Voices, Nine Movies

Each of us speaks and writes without thinking. This is why so much of what we say is predictable. Do you want to be more interesting? Choose an unusual perspective and verb tense. A movie begins in the mind of the listener every time you speak or write. At whom is your camera aimed?

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Thought provoking: the planet’s smartest people have a narrow cone of vision…

This is an article I reprinted because I found that it comes at the right juncture: where people are asked to decide if they are going to be the cause of their own evolution, or if they are going to assume the worry for themselves… Worry means no action. It’s a pretense. It is the only recourse of the cowardly, impotent, and ineffective.
The 150 Things the World’s Smartest People Are Afraid of
Afraid Of What? By Brian Merchant

Every year, the online magazine Edge–the so-called smartest website in the world, helmed by science impresario John Brockman–asks top scientists, technologists, writers, and academics to weigh in on a single question. This year, that query was “What Should We Be Worried About?”, and the idea was to identify new problems arising in science, tech, and culture that haven’t yet been widely recognized.

This year’s respondents include former presidents of the Royal Society, Nobel prize-winners, famous sci-fi authors, Nassem Nicholas Taleb, Brian Eno, and a bunch of top theoretical physicists, psychologists, and biologists. And the list is long. Like, book-length long. There are some 150 different things that worry 151 of the planet’s biggest brains. And I read about them all, so you don’t have to: here’s the Buzzfeedized version, with the money quote, title, or summary of the fear pulled out of each essay. Obviously, go read the rest if any of the below get you fretting too.

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