Why you do what you do, and why you don’t do what you don’t do?

There are two types of students and there are two types of teachers.

Teacher One says: I’ll teach you!
Teacher Two says: I won’t quit until you learned it!

Student One says: I’ll come to your class, I’ll pay for your program and then I’ll try!
Student Two says: I’ll do whatever it takes to make sure I learn it and have it for myself.

This is not limited to learning…

One person says: I’ll try
Another person says: I can do it
The third person says: I’ll do it until it’s done

People who are willing to try are many. Teachers, students, doesn’t matter.

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Playground: it is never too late to have a happy childhood

The playground distinction: A simple distinction really… uncollapse reality and your commentary and you’ll stop marker feelings (emotions) from pulling you out of your well-being.

A relatively short sentence… But like with everything that is simple: it is not easy.

It is not easy to see, and it is not easy to not leave the two sides collapsed… the world, religion, society, your rules fight against it.

Morality, societal rules, personal rules, ego

If your moral values come from religion, school, they will be hard to break
Your ego may have created rules in which you have to be smart, even smarter than others… hard to break
Your ancestral history may put you in a victim/abused/exploited mindset, and that is hard to break
Your soul correction may work actively against you growing, becoming whole and complete
and a lot more (Read the footnotes!)

In a previous article I mentioned that even though I even lead the Playground back in 1988, I got a huge breakdown that I could barely climb through in 1995 when my mother died.

How is that possible? I was already masterful at uncollapsing the two sides of the picture… so why? How? What was missing?
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Making you smarter by increasing your brain’s neural connections

All thought that does not lead to action, said Goethe, is a disease. It’s like the Dalai Lama’s 3 levels of knowledge: Hear. Comprehend. Do. And do it until it becomes second nature… but not until then.
How is your brain pruning going?
I’ve known a lot if people in my long life. I have spent time with all kinds… Decades in off-color company.

One period I spent my time with gay people, men, in one of the one-time gay playgrounds of the world, Budapest. Party crowd… it was fun. Hard to achieve anything in the world, but fun… mostly.

Some of it wasn’t fun. I was a girl… And I was not gay. So their sex parties weren’t fun for me.

One person I met there was a young male prostitute with thick foundation (makeup) had syphilis. He wore the makeup to cover the lesions on his face.
And this article is interested in that coverup…
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Frames… what they are, and how they limit your success, your happiness, your health…

Everybody talks about subconscious beliefs, but I have seen no evidence that there is such a thing. On the other hand almost no one is talking about what’s REALLY limiting you in life: your frames.

If you call something that it is not, you take away the power from the individual… and set them up to pay through the nose, and still remain the same.

Some people are masterful with frames, and their wealth is a testament to that… Tony Robbins is one of these guys.

I have been listening to this investment banker, Oren Klaff, who wrote a book (Pitch Anything) and is now speaking to crowds successfully.

His job is do or die… raise the money or die… every day.

Or as a public speaker, raise the enthusiasm of the crowd… or die.

What’s his secret?

Frames. Controlling the frames inside which people listen to him.
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What will you do if the economy tanks? If the trouble you are afraid of actually happens?

I have a wide cone of vision (I see the big picture) in most issues regarding “the economy.” Maybe because both my parents were economists? Who knows.

But having a wide cone of vision, especially in this arena, has its advantages.

People call me to find out, if their personal experience is indicative of a personal issue, or if it just feels that way.

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The “Racket” of transformation, transformational methods, programs, potions, transmissions, pills revealed

Warning: I use all my articles as a vehicle for me to muddle through issues, to gain clarity, to distill the truth, to separate illusion from reality.

This article goes through a meandering path… and unless you follow the path closely, you won’t get to the result and get the same clarity, so you will be wasting your time.

If you don’t have the time to read this article attentively, don’t read it, it will make no sense in the end.

The juice is in the detail, the juice is in the journey, the scenery one can see… You’ve been warned.

Humanity lives in quiet desperation. Everyone. Even the rich and famous. They are aimless, purposeless, dissatisfied, judgmental, jealous and envious, craving love, craving sex, craving belonging, craving a sense of meaning. At times more than at others.

Was it always like this? Before our time? I don’t know. I actually think so. But I can’t know. My memories of another life are just memories, me-centered, so I don’t know what life was like for people. I know in every past life memory I lived in quiet desperation.

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What is the Playground coaching program? Why is it special? It is really a mastery course

The Playground is a one of a kind program, the like of which I have never experienced. We should call it Mastery Course…

We have seen that the main issue that holds humans back from becoming Human Beings is delusions.

Delusion is misjudging what is real and what is not.

Unless you know what is real, all your actions are going to be misdirected, and it’s a miracle if anything every get done well around you, if you ever go to places.

Although the level of delusions becomes less as your vibration rises, the cause and effect relationship is reverse: as you see delusions for what they are, and reality for what it is, your vibration can begin to rise, and rise and rise.

In the Playground you get to practice telling apart reality and delusion, under strict guidance. The only rule for the program is to listen to the guidance. I will create as many displays of the ways to tell those two apart: reality and illusion, so is becomes easier and easier.

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Playground: it is now open

I have scheduled the first session of the Playground: It is never tool late to have a happy childhood.

If you are interested, please check out the page here: https://yourvibration.com/1/playground

That is the program I first run in 1988, that had a 100% of the participants produce extraordinary and unpredictable growth in their lives.

Check it out.
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