Your life and principles… Ask: To what end? What life you want to have had on your deathbed?

This article is stream of consciousness… I apologize for that.

Principles are tricky. Depending on your level of vibration, on the size of your cone of vision, on the number and size of patterns you can see, you’ll translate the principle down to your size.

A principle says something to me, and another thing to you.

And yet, being guided by principles, your results in life will be happier than if you choose to live your life from vague longings, goals, or following how the ones went before you lived their lives.
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Unhappy? Bored? So-so? Read this article…

Drifting? Aimless? Unhappy? Bored? So-so? Read this article…

I just watched two book reviews of the same book, Happiness Hypothesis by Jonathan Haidt. Why? Because I wanted to get the gist of it, without having to chew 300 pages plus.

But I am still interested to hear the principles, in 10 minutes instead of 10 hours… wouldn’t you?

The two reviews differed vastly, because of the reviewers.

Their IQ being the same, I looked at their vibration, and the difference was there… 20 points difference.

Vibration, in one way to look at, is the height from where you look at life.

The first guy looked at the book from a height from where you can see the principles, and can allow yourself to be guided by them. That is the usefulness of principles.

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Raising Your Vibration: It’s a process, not an event

It’s a process, not an event

One of the issues you may deal with is the result of widespread misinformation. It’s been around for thousands of years, and it is as damaging as any mass-distributed toxin, maybe even more. Why? Because your body can’t manufacture antibodies against it.

The idea of instant healing, instant transformation, instant transfiguration is what I am talking about.

That idea makes you think that you can get from A to Z in one fell swoop

Life doesn’t work that way. Life is based on principles, one of them is the Principle of Process.

Insights may happen instantly, but turning an insight into a breakthrough, or a result takes a process. But often insights take a process as well.

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