Human Nature And The Activation

Originally this article was published in August of 2011. I did a planetary activator then, and this article is about the aftermath… quite disappointing.

What makes this article timely is that the behavior it’s about hasn’t change. You learn new things and you don’t use them. You continue behaving the way you always behaved… as if nothing happened.

What you forget is this: your capacities don’t tell you what to do, you tell yourself what to do, and then you are able to do them with new capacities, successfully.

My Avatar State Audios, my articles, my coaching tells you, shows you what to do, but it is you who needs to decide to do that new thing, and actually do it.

You can take the horse to the water, but you can’t force it to drink… It is entirely up to you.

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What does it feel like to be hated?

I found myself humming this in the title, as it got two hours past the time my “friend” was supposed to get here to help me.

Millions of people could ask this question every minute… and yet, the people hated don’t know it, don’t care, don’t feel it.

Yet, although it doesn’t get us anything, anything good, we keep on being angry, or even hate something or someone… myself included. I mean: I fall into the trap of hating someone… who doesn’t care. Even if he knew about it, he wouldn’t care.

So, what is the problem with being mad at someone, resenting someone, or hating someone? After all they did something that you don’t like, that bothers you, that maybe even harmed you.

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Updated: How to make your own energy remedy: H.O.E., Unclove with H.O.E., or the Effortless Abundance Remedy

Summary: Some energies, healing energies, can be infused in water or water containing substances. Some energies can’t. The Energizer, the H.O.E., the Unconditional Love Activator, the 2nd and 3rd Phase Activators, and the Effortless Abundance Activator are such energies that can be infused and consumed internally. They work faster that way. Especially if your vibration is low. I myself use my own energies both ways, audio format and infused liquid format… every day. When I forget to infuse my water, I can tell… I start to be very vulnerable to emotions…

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What is the work to become an Expanding Human Being? A case study

The sentence I hear only occasionally, is “But what is the work?”

It is not because it is not a question that concerns many, it is because you are trained to know the answer, or at least pretend that you do.

I didn’t realize this until yesterday. I did not connect the dots… I didn’t see the forest for the trees.

What woke me up and made me see the big picture was an email from a new student.

And that, in spite of the fact that I had an opinion about her, a judgment, if you wish, that she talks to much and listens little.

Some of the time my attitude and my opinion matched 🙁 when I didn’t see that my opinion is a mind chatter, and that I can create my attitude freely.

Other times I had an attitude of service, in spite of my opinion of her predisposition to talk a lot.

And then the miracle happened. She started to ask clarifying questions, and… GASP! started to do the work.

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What Is The Difference Between A Highly Intelligent Person And A ‘Normal’ Person? Can Intelligence Be Activated?

Does the intelligent person have more brain cells?

The difference is to what degree they use what they have. Or how they use it… or for what…

It is said, that most people use 2-3 percent of their brain. That statement is not entirely true, they use more, but not for thinking.

The rest of the brain is used for fear based negative thoughts. Or to mill water… Ponder stuff that doesn’t matter, fret, worry, explain in your head… yeah, the stuff your mind is busy with.

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The biggest challenge in transformation and a free video

I have said it before, but can’t say this enough, you live in a world of your own design, a puny 1% of reality. That is the world your conscious mind knows, and you only have fleeting glimpses of a world beyond that.

When you read, watch a movie, listen to me, you hear what resonates with you inside this 1% world, and at best humor me about the rest.

The method transformation needs to employ is to shock you out of your 1%, so you can see that the world is bigger than you see it.

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The new worry epidemic

This article is long… the original writer was probably paid for each word… In spite of my intent to edit it, I could not make it shorter.

The gist of it is that instead of using our god given ability to think to think things through, to plan, to prevent, we use it instead to worry… Worry is unproductive and makes absolutely no difference. In fact, it makes you stupid… Very stupid, unprepared, make emotional decisions, avoid action… in simple terms, to become a Shrinking Human… instead of an Expanding Human Being.

Oh, and it also makes you sick… if being sick and stupid with worry weren’t enough.

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Cancer: The unexpected results of positive thinking

Whoever thought that the well-meaning positive thinking will become a prison and a sentence to a ‘no joy life’ for most who become a “practitioner” of it, about 80% of humanity at this time.

Whether you know it or not, your powers of comprehension depend on your powers of distinguishing.

In the old est training, the trainers came to the room on the first day blasting: “for you Everything is the same as everything else … except not always” and they were as accurate as accurate they would be today: you can’t tell your ass from your elbow.

This is true for everybody, including yours truly… the difference is only in degrees. No one is exempt from it.

The capacity to see differences clearly is called astuteness. The capacity to tell apart similar things, to name them and claim them.

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Why most training programs, transformational programs can’t work… Energies Part 5

I have been complaining…
… I have been blamed for it… People say I am angry, whatever. They are turned off by my complaining…

But the truth of the matter is this: if there were transformational programs that deliver on their promises, I would be first in line to recommend them to do, because I don’t particularly enjoy doing those trainings. I like coaching, I like working with energies, I like creating energy products, but I don’t like to teach distinctions of transformation.

There are companies that teach better than me, except that their results, the students’ results are flash in the pan…

So I have been complaining for, I don’t know… 20 years? lol…

I’d love to have them do the “grunt work”… and just work with the students that want to take those distinctions and make a great life with what they learned, using my energies.

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Your actions, behavior, and emotions are toxic to your emotional and physical well being. Enclosed into your own energy, you are your own toxic environment

Most everyone already knows the frozen water crystals experiment by Masaru Emoto: how words, music, and other emotional expressions altered the coherence of the water. Coherence, I guess, can be expressed in the symmetry of the crystal.

It now has become Tree of Knowledge: you saw the pictures… but you weren’t there. And even if you were… so what?

It’s the kind of knowledge that is useless. USELESS. Why?

Useful means you can use it. Not in a conversation, but to alter yourself and your environment. But you can’t.


Because none of the tools you know how to use, I mean really know… the way you can drive, the way you can make boiled eggs… “know it because you can do it” way.

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