Want to enslave a man? rob the man of his common sense

If you want to enslave a man, the best and fastest way to go about it is to rob the man of his common sense, his guidance system. The feelings.

Train him to not trust his feelings.  To not even feel them. Or call them emotion names.

Train him that he can’t trust his feelings. Train him that all decisions should be made by men smarter than him. And by all means, train him that he can’t be trusted to made decisions about the education, the health about his children.

Train him by printing on plastic bags that they should not be put in the cradle… because a child may suffocate playing with it… Do this so the man will stop thinking for himself and start relying entirely on thing being given to him chewed and digested.
Give him the religion of positive thinking.
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Announcing: “My secret weapon” webinar

Now that a bunch of you have bought my Secret Weapon, the Big Bundle of energies The purpose of this article is to announce the WEBINAR I am forced to do to let you feel the energy and teach you to use it correctly.

So, announcing the Big Bundle webinar.

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What is energized water?

This article explains what is energized water, what energizing does to the water, the difference between water in nature or from your tap, from a bottle, and energized water.

The main difference is that energized water, fully energized water, water whose vibration is raised to 653, is coherent… and the human cells accept it willingly whereas all other waters are not willingly accepted by the cells.

A few years ago I had a conversation with a well known guru. I shared with him that energized water is amazingly smooth, easy to drink, tastes good, and makes you feel like you did something good for your body.

He got really really angry. He said: water is water. H2O

Now, years later I am still drinking energized water, I look younger than I looked when I was 50, and my skin is smooth, my health is great. He is divorced, battling depression, he could use some energized water… lol.
Continue reading on my Energize Water site

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Updated: How to make your own energy remedy: H.O.E., Unclove with H.O.E., or the Effortless Abundance Remedy

Summary: Some energies, healing energies, can be infused in water or water containing substances. Some energies can’t. The Energizer, the H.O.E., the Unconditional Love Activator, the 2nd and 3rd Phase Activators, and the Effortless Abundance Activator are such energies that can be infused and consumed internally. They work faster that way. Especially if your vibration is low. I myself use my own energies both ways, audio format and infused liquid format… every day. When I forget to infuse my water, I can tell… I start to be very vulnerable to emotions…

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Your actions, behavior, and emotions are toxic to your emotional and physical well being. Enclosed into your own energy, you are your own toxic environment

Most everyone already knows the frozen water crystals experiment by Masaru Emoto: how words, music, and other emotional expressions altered the coherence of the water. Coherence, I guess, can be expressed in the symmetry of the crystal.

It now has become Tree of Knowledge: you saw the pictures… but you weren’t there. And even if you were… so what?

It’s the kind of knowledge that is useless. USELESS. Why?

Useful means you can use it. Not in a conversation, but to alter yourself and your environment. But you can’t.


Because none of the tools you know how to use, I mean really know… the way you can drive, the way you can make boiled eggs… “know it because you can do it” way.

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Energies Part 3 The documentary “Water: The Great Mystery” an analysis and vibrational review.

I just watched and listened to the documentary “Water the Great Mystery” at the recommendation of one of my students. . It’s 6 parts, so watch them on youtube.

The movie is 40% accurate, the rest is misleading or is outright misdirection.

A felt that the underlying intention, from the beginning, was propaganda… a strong agenda. I first thought it’s to sell water equipment to the people, but it turned out to be more religious misdirection. Regardless whether the researchers had anything truthful, the assembly of the fragmented information, the “masterful” mixing or religious propaganda made the valuable content a vibrational level of miserable 180.

Now, is it worth for you to watch it? Probably not. Why? Because you are far below the level where the capacity “discerning” lives, which is 499.

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What will you do if the economy tanks? If the trouble you are afraid of actually happens?

I have a wide cone of vision (I see the big picture) in most issues regarding “the economy.” Maybe because both my parents were economists? Who knows.

But having a wide cone of vision, especially in this arena, has its advantages.

People call me to find out, if their personal experience is indicative of a personal issue, or if it just feels that way.

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Your emotional baseline and your chances for success

I read a very interesting article today. It is about being able to predict from how you were as a baby and toddler your chances for success, your chances for being smart, your chances for aberrant, deviant behavior, like crime or addictions.

And although most of you, if you read it, will be resigned to how you turned out, or alternatively argue till you are hoarse with the predictions, there is a more constructive way to read the article: get guidance.

Of course, if you are already having trouble in life, you are habitually relating to everything as a good reason to get depressed, turn to the bottle, get angry, or eat more m&m’s, but if you are not quite there, there is the guidance I recommend that you get:

All of those signs you demonstrated as a toddler are correctable by the Bach Flower Energies.

If you have a propensity for being impatient, wanting immediate gratification, not being able to hang in there and do what you need to do even if it is tedious, or unsuccessful at the moment, the Bach Flower Energy Impatience will increase your capacity for more patience, so you can actually get something done, learn something, hang in there.

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What is a spiritual path? Can a phony teacher take you where you want to go?

When people ask for their vibrational measure, often they ask me to suggest a path they could follow to raise their vibration. Most of the time this is simple, they need to take one of the liquid remedies to feel better first. But today I got a request like that, and this person was different from the usual requests. When I connected to her, I connected to empty… hm. I decided to use writing to get clear, and to work through it for myself, I wrote this article.
My path… a look back
I was just like you until a few years ago. I made decisions on what to buy, what to use, what to believe on an emotional basis.

If something sounded good, I wanted it.
If I was suffering from something: frustration, difficulties, pain, or lack of sleep, I was more likely to fall for a solution that sounded a good fit for my suffering.

And, of course, most things didn’t work.

I had a difficult time to trust anything or anyone, but I didn’t trust myself either, so I didn’t actually trust the inner voice that said: wrong way.

I had to get to a point where I could trust myself, or continue to pile up junk in my already crowded life, junk that I wanted, but it didn’t do what it promised to do.

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You are weird

Why would I insult you like this? If it is insulting to you, I apologize. Looking from your mind, I am probably wrong.

But looking from reality, looking from existence, your behavior is weird.

Your actions are inconsistent with what you really want, your actions seem like preprogrammed… no matter what, behave this way.

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