Where do you look for signs of YOUR transformation?

When you have a transformation, where do you see it?

First off: did you or didn’t you have a transformation? Good question, right? Because, after all, you are still spending a lot of time in your head, you still have feelings you don’t like, and you are still not a millionaire, don’t bed young women, didn’t lose the extra 30 pounds… so how would you know if you had a transformation or not?

let me give you a few examples from my own journey of transformation.

After I did my very first program, 28 years ago, the whole office changed by the time I got back. People suddenly liked me, wanted to find out what I did, wanted to follow in my footsteps.Not only that: suddenly I was invited to places, people wanted to shake my hand. It was weird: I did the program and they changed. Strange.
After I did my second program, two years later, I noticed something even weirder: the weather changed. It became sunny, the clouds suddenly looked awesome, the trees were beautiful, and nice people were coming out of the woodwork… I had this guy volunteer to support me until I could establish myself, for nothing in return. Weird.

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What does a vibration of 200 feel like?

I love feedback, and I love the feedback of this person. I muscle-tested his vibration, and it’s 200… so it is not especially high, and yet…

With the tools I offer in the foundational program, this is the kinds of results that are typical:
Hi Sophie,

I miss hearing your voice and laugh on the calls…I hope that you are feeling well and that the attacks have stopped.

I wanted to tell you about a very interesting experiment that I conducted with the activator/HOE audio and the results. About a month ago, things were going very well. I was extremely busy work-wise which is great because it means I could support myself financially. I was performing a lot with several different groups – in addition to my teaching – and was receiving very positive comments from my fellow musicians. I met a remarkable woman and we have been seeing each other in a very open, loving and supportive relationship. All good, even things with my ex were smooth and easy.

I decided to stop playing the audio and drinking the water to see what would happen.

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The Path To Enlightenment, raising your vibration, begins with training your attention

The Brain That Changes Itself Needs You To Teach It First to perform the new action by doing it hundreds of times…

In his book, The Brain That Changes Itself, Norman Doidge, a medical doctor, deals with the physical activities, and problem solving abilities of your brain.

In that he says, and shows with valid examples, you find out that the brain demonstrates a certain plasticity, as far as how you can see, feel, or move your body.

What no one is talking about though is what differentiates a human being from a robot or an animal: changing your attention, changing your consciousness also depends on your brain’s ability to change itself.

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Why are people so low vibration? Including the teachers, the gurus, the energy practitioners?

If you read one of my previous articles, your answer (most of it) is there: our upbringing is based on the interest of the “powers that be” and not on the interest of the individual, or the interest of the human race: the Original Design, evolution, being an expanding personality.

Our lives, what we are allowed to do, see and know, is not that much different from what you see in the movies “The Truman Show” or “The Matrix” and we are policed, rigorously, and incessantly.

And the policing forces are also “sheep” and have no idea about the truth, about their own status…

So, humanity, in lack of real information, to understand and make what they see easier to handle, easier to be with, invented an imaginary world of explanations, gods, spirits, angels… just to be able to make sense of what they needed to deal with.

Vibration, your vibration, your consciousness level and the ability to be with stuff that is not easy to be with are correlated: meaning: once one gets high, the other gets high as well.

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The truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off… or make you an outcast, or crazy

This article is not for everybody… Exercise caution!

I think I am going crazy.

The main reason people, most of them, almost all of them, are authoritarian, meaning not doing their own due diligence finding out if what is being disseminated as the truth is really credible, is that the truth is horrible.

Your mind acts as a filter, it doesn’t allow anything to go through and become conscious that you can’t handle. If it did, we would have a lot more schizophrenics that we do.

If it is safe to pass out, the mind will make you lose consciousness if the input is too strong for you to handle. If it is not safe to pass out, it will bury the true extent and meaning of the information until you are ready.

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Without integrity nothing works… including my activators, the HOE… etc.

Without integrity nothing works.

What is nothing, and what does it mean “working?”

I will use two examples, both from my own students:

I sent out an email a few weeks ago offering the HOE long range, my famous Heaven on Earth in an audio format.I had a condition: they needed to share my work with people in their circles. 60 people promised to share. About 10 of those actually shared.

Those people are doing well. The rest of them? The HOE long range isn’t working for them.

What is the connection? Did I jinx the HOE long range?

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Unless your money and livelihood is taken care of, nothing else matters. No spirituality, no love, no relationships: nothing

One cardinal issue that many of you may deal with is money.

I could bs around this, but I won’t.

If you have a money issue, that is the first thing you want to handle.

Why? Because when your livelihood is threatened, nothing else matters. Not even your health.

Maslow, a 20th century psychologist set up a pyramid-like hierarchy… and the base of the pyramid is the physical needs… unless your physical needs are met, you won’t be fully available to fulfill other needs.

The second level is safety needs. Until safety needs are met, you are not available to fulfill other needs like emotional needs, or self-actualization needs.

Which means that when you have a financial issue threatening your physical being, you need to deal with it.

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Talk back to me: Are my audios subliminal? Do I have trade secrets? What’s in the audios?

Thank you for sending the audio.

The effect I’m experiencing – is that I feel more determined to accomplish my goals. I feel driven – as if nothing will stop me from seeing my goals completed.

I tried to explain your audios to someone, but she wanted more info. Without giving away trade secrets – you need to be clearer on what the audios are. Do you have subliminal messages beneath the nature sounds, is it just sounds, vibrations? People are unwilling to try something new unless you explain exactly what they are getting. Lots of people have tried everything under the sun without getting results, so now people are getting a little wary. Just my thoughts…

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More Water Energizer Reviews… more are on the way

Awesome, matchless taste! When you drink it, the water slides down the throat easily and leaves a sweetish after-taste in the mouth. And you want more and more of it… My husband tasted it too and said: It’s pure water!

Also, I feel light, tiny tingling along my spine and in the fingertips each time I drink it. I used it for everything: tea, coffee, soup, washing the vegetables, even for rinsing my hair – it gets nice shine. Did an experiment with a cabbage: I cut slightly its root, put it in a zip-lock bag, poured some of the energized water on it, put it in the fridge and after a while it became more crispy and less stringy…

Great work, teacher!

Thank you,
Matsa, Serbia (Eastern Europe)

PS: I put the Water Energizer audio on a small mp3 player that has a shuffle/repeat function, this is Eclipse, much like the ipod shuffle, just cheaper. This way I don’t have to use my pc.

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