Updated: Soul Correction: Fearless

Fear is an issue. It’s universal. You have it, I have it. You have to have it. It is the 200,000 year old hardware… where your life was lived out in an environment where everything was a threat to your survival.

Today’s fears are the same, except today the threats to your survival are missing… and yet, the fears continue.

Your path to the next level of evolution, Human Being, is the beingness of fearless… where you consider fear a necessary evil, and you take it with you wherever you go, big and small, safe or dangerous, like you would take a child with you who needs your support.

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Updated: Reclaim your life. When your desire is low your Life Force is Low

Summary: you don’t know who you are, you don’t have access your real desires because of a sinister scheme perpetuated… But it is time you reclaim your Self, it is time to reclaim you Life.

When you ask people to locate themselves, point at themselves, most point at their chest. Why? Because they feel themselves there: most feelings you feel, most emotions you feel are in the chest. Your breathing is in the chest. So it makes sense.

Others hesitate between their head and their chest.

As an empath I can see the discrepancy between what they show, where they point, and where the energy goes.

It always goes to the head, mostly into the forehead, but often to the space under the nose.

About a year and a half ago (Christmas of 2012), in a connection meditation session, I asked the participants to first locate their “Self” and then move it, at will into their hand, belly, and then the Seat of the Soul.

It lead to an amazing insight, an amazing meditation experience, the Avatar State audios, and then something that no one expected, the Self actually coming alive.

One of the participants had lived her life counter to her Self’s, her Soul’s desire: she lived a life of brainy, mental activities. She was unfulfilled, and frankly, not good at it.

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What happens if and when you fall in love or are in relationship with someone, whose DNA is not like yours? Do opposites attract?

In my inquiry into this dangerous jungle of different DNA’s within the human race, I started to see the need to work with people, one on one.

Yesterday I lucked out: I had a new client for another business of mine, who is the perfect person with the perfect history to work on and maybe test these issues: What happens if and when you fall in love or are in relationship with someone, whose DNA is not like yours?

Our guy, let’s call him Chad, met a woman some 16-17 years ago. Chad is a scientist and so is his beloved.

Chad is on a crossroads of sort: he needs to decide whether to take this relationship to the next level. It’s been rocky, so he is hesitant. Intimacy has been lacking in the relationship as well. It seems that opposites attract…

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Vibrational Review: Trivortex and Brian David Andersen and energized water

Quasi scientific discoveries attract those that think they are smart… But most quasi-scientific discoveries, most of them, are ineffective, fraudulent, and fake. But they sell well… They appeal the the “I am smart” person, and they appeal to the majority that says: Science knows what they are talking about. But this is, even in so-called real science, is a lie… most what passes for scientific is

1. financed by greed, fueled by greed, either for money or for recognition.
2. simply based on a hypothesis that is not true.

With that said: wanting water that energizes your body, wanting more energy is on everyone’s agenda” the perfect playground for marketeers and charlatans.

I myself energize my water. I fashioned my solution after the Sante Water model, without their equipment, although I used those for 15 years. Today I use a Source energy that makes the water coherent… It is simple, and it is inexpensive.

I haven’t had anyone who didn’t see the difference, but that is not my main source of income… so I am not pushing it.

Ok, onto the Vibrational review: enjoy.

As usual, this review was prompted by a student’s email to me.

After I spent two days in pain from checking out an energy “healer” in California, I was quite scared to expose myself again.

Yesterday I cloaked myself diligently every 30 minutes, and before I fell asleep, and woke up well and without pain. So here is the email and here is the review… interesting.
Good morning Sophie.

Could you please test this guy for me and if his products any good? https://trivortex.com/Andersen.html. My friend has a wellness shop in town and I used to work for her some. A year ago she sold me a Tri-Vibe and a Disc which I don’t use. https://trivortex.com/products.html. Apparently products do something because people report pain disappearing and water tastes better but I have muscle tested it against the body and it makes chakra’s weak and water to me tastes no different. Vortex is very strong I actually feel it. If I put it over my body it makes me dizzy.

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