“If it is to be, it is up to me”

“If it is to be, it is up to me” The horizontal and vertical dimensions of life

Most people interpret that statement, that declaration, in a rah-rah, motivational slogan way.

But even when they use that narrow interpretation, they don’t commit to it, they don’t lock themselves in, they don’t burn the ships, they leave a back-door open, although they never tell the truth about it.

They have a secret addendum: if I feel like it, if my mind agrees, when I’ll feel confident enough, if the weather is nice, if it’s easy, if it doesn’t take too much of my time.

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With great power comes great responsibility

With great power comes great responsibility… Yeah, I know, sounds really boastful when you think I am saying it to myself… right?

But truth be told, not owning your power is more damaging to you than standing up and declaring it for all to hear.

Withholding it destroys you from the inside, declaring may get you burned on the stake… I prefer the stake, thank you very much.

I am as fearful and as cowardly as most, with one difference, maybe. I HATE slow and long, extended suffering.

Back in 1979, during my stay in a psychiatric ward, I decided that I’d rather get suddenly terrified, surprised, unprepared, and scared to death, than spend the rest of my life in low burning fear, worry, and anxiety.

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What you dish out to others

In the “itch that no one can scratch for you”, I introduce a feeling, a way of being, that has been consistently missing from your life. It may be something that you were born with, i.e. it is part of your soul correction, or it is something that developed by being mistreated… as far as you are concerned…

Nothing bad or dramatic needed to happen in your childhood, and yet you ended up feeling that way.

Not loved, not being enough, not being valued, not mattering, not being smart enough, fast enough, pretty enough, important enough, and so on and so on.

Every person has some slight. They either blame themselves or they blame others, but the slight is there.

Your whole life, your whole life experience is based on this one missing “thing”, and it weaves through your life like a theme.

My “item”, my itch, is being treated as a human being.

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Experience failure and be well

Well, that didn’t turn out the way I imagined.

I planned to have a series of coaching sessions to test the “itch” method. I made room for 10 people… would have been happy with 8, got one person, someone who knows me well, and in addition I have done the process with her already…

I bet you would be disappointed, and your mind would go crazy on you, if this happened to you… am I right? Me? I am amused, I am curious, I am happy. Not pretend happy, just happy.

How is that possible?

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Even her husband is changing…

When people change around you… who you are blaming? Where do you look for cause and effect? Do you know what causes what? I bet you don’t…

This is a case study of one of my coaching students…

I have been coaching people for about 30 years, and have been running my own programs for almost as many years.

Some people take their own transformation on, and they change. Some, I say, because most people don’t.

I have noticed that certain countries, certain cultures are more conducive for people take their own fate into their own hands… most aren’t.

And sometimes, these same people, cause massive transformation for their family, but are unaware of it, and therefore cannot make it permanent, cannot make it last, cannot even acknowledge it.

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Enjoy your life even when things are not the way they should be?

Goals and values

We are taught by most everyone to set goals. But goals are a double edged sword.

Let’s see why? A goal is a specific measurable tangible PUBLIC result, set in time. What result by what time…

Getting happier, making more money, etc. are not goals, they are yearnings.

If we wanted to turn them into goals, they would look like this:

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A skeptic, a critic, a hater, a dogmatic person, and a true believer…

This article is 90% quote from Rob Brezsny… on true skepticism versus pseudo-skepticism:

It’s timed perfectly (it landed in my inbox this morning) given my new passion of proving that the diet industry, the food industry, the medical “industry” financed by the pharmaceutical industry (66 billion dollars a year!) is out to milk you, alive or dead, for their own profit and to the detriment of you and the detriment of humanity.

How I do that, whether I am a true skeptic or a pseudo-skeptic should make a huge difference… a pesudo-skeptic is a believer who has given up thinking, proving, questioning, doubting, and intelligence.

You be the judge.

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Busy mind?

What creates confidence? Is confidence a skill, a feeling? Neither… it is Stepping out of your mind…

I don’t know if you have ever considered, but having something intelligent to say about anything takes studying and takes intelligent, independent thinking and a lot of experimenting.

Life and the Universe is holographic, which means that in a drop of water the whole ocean is present: studying deeply the drop of water gives you nearly everything you need to know about the ocean.

This is especially true about humans, the human behavior, human feelings, human thoughts.

When I decided to make confidence my next area of study, I didn’t know much about the topic: in fact I knew nothing useful, nothing. I didn’t know that it will lead me back to something I have experience with, that I know I do, that I have been teaching from time to time… that is actually the key ingredient in confidence. Wow… talk about holographic.

But let me return to confidence and what I have learned, so far…

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Why is it that you don’t like yourself, your behavior, your looks, and your life?

More conspiracy theories that can open your eyes

Could you identify the many ways you don’t like yourself an your life?

Most likely, these areas are areas where conspiracy distorted your behavior, distorted your thinking, distorted your expectations.

Consciously, willfully, with malicious intent.

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Soul Correction: The Big Picture

Soul Correction: The Big Picture

Your cone of vision is so narrow, that you cannot even see that you are not your mind, that you are not your ego, that you are not your body, that you are not your past, that you are not your desires.

In that narrow beam of a pen-light every moment you are somebody different, identifying with a different aspect of you… and there is no YOU… You have no core, you have no substance, you are just a pen light…

We all live as if we could see reality, but we are wrong. We walk around with a narrow cone of vision, never considering the environment, the context, other people’s life, thoughts, history, emotions, we walk around if there were no one else but us, nothing else but what we see.

Everything that is outside of the narrow cone of vision that we actually see, is black and white and all shades of gray: no color. We have no details, and we never look there.

We can’t see the forest for the trees, we never see cause and effect, and we never own up to the fact that we never even attempt to see the big picture.

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