What is the difference between a human and a human being?

My work is to take humans from the Valley Of The Shadow Of Death to the Promised Land… to Human Beingness. This post might be an important milepost in that.

I read an article in the Howard Business Review that points out a worldview that is at the root of you staying a potential, you staying an effect, in every area of your life.

Although the article is a business article, business is a great analogy to life. Another great analogy is travel.

Travel is a much easier, much more accessible activity, so I will use it, while, if you want to read the original business article, I am enclosing it.

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Complaining And Other Politically Incorrect Phenomena

The Gifts Of Complaining And Other Weird and Politically Incorrect Phenomena That Produces Dramatic Results

This article is about a counter-intuitive transformational technology you probably won’t find anywhere else… It is worth its weight in gold and it can make the biggest difference in your life, in your level of satisfaction, happiness and well-being.
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Are you a soul-less human? Are reptilian influences real?

The reason humanity (and your life) looks the way it looks is because you are a coward.

What do I mean by that? Some people know that they are cowards, some people suspect that they may be cowards, but most people don’t know and don’t give a rat’s ass if they are cowards or not.

What am I talking about?

I am talking about humans’ delusional nature.

It takes courage to have a world view where you are responsible for what you do, who you are being, what you say.
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Raise your vibration. What should be your first steps?

You want to raise your vibration? Don’t know how to do it?
I talk to at least ten of you, readers, every day, through email. The question is always: but what do I do to raise my vibration?

The answer, when I give it to most of you, goes right over your head. We are like two trains passing each other in the night… I am not getting through to most you and therefore I can’t make a difference for you. But why is that?

This is what this article is about… so read it, and read it a few times, until it’s crystal clear.

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There is no way around it, only through it

Humans have been living on their periphery, through their organs of perception that look outward, through their periphery, the life that we call the horizontal plane.

On the horizontal plane what you see is the other. You don’t see yourself. You may feel your body, you may feel your feelings, but you don’t see yourself.

You see your effect on others. You see the other, that may be a reflection of you… if you can recognize it as such.

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If your vibration is low, the more something resonates with you the less its truth value or Why Paul Selig is so popular

If your vibration is low, the more something resonates with you the less its truth value.
Why? Because you like what you are. You are attracted what confirms what you think, how you are, who you are, what you know.

There is no mystery why humanity is growing away from its true nature, not towards it.

Watch who and what is hugely popular?

The more popular someone is, the more people they attract, the closer their “truth” is to the common society trained mind. The more it sounds true to the low vibration man… The average vibration on the Planet is 120… the closer a guru is to that vibration the more people they attract.

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Updated: Remove negativity, eliminate negativity: is that a good thing?

Negativity is a buzz word. It makes half of what is wrong, and it makes half of what is right. Much like the farmer in one of Osho’s stories, who wanted to teach god how to have the weather…

A farmer who, after a poor harvest, complained: “If God let me control the weather, everything would be better. He apparently doesn’t know much about farming.”

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The price of pretending being kind, nice, friendly, etc. All your colors vs. your true colors painted over… choose

Everyone pretends. Everyone avoids. Everyone is trying to be blameless… but no one is.

If you can get to see what this pretense thing is all about, you will start a new life, a life where you actually call the shot, and not what you are trying to hide or prove.

In this article we are going to look at pretense, and what it cost you. It cost you more than it gains you… but the biggest cost is that you are stuck and you can’t go to the next level.
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Updated: Soul Correction: Fearless

Fear is an issue. It’s universal. You have it, I have it. You have to have it. It is the 200,000 year old hardware… where your life was lived out in an environment where everything was a threat to your survival.

Today’s fears are the same, except today the threats to your survival are missing… and yet, the fears continue.

Your path to the next level of evolution, Human Being, is the beingness of fearless… where you consider fear a necessary evil, and you take it with you wherever you go, big and small, safe or dangerous, like you would take a child with you who needs your support.

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The evolutionary approach to your inner stress, lack, misery

This article stands the current culture and the current approach to spirituality, consciousness, self-growth on its head… If you are happy to be miserable, please don’t read it!

Watch this short movie. If it doesn’t bring tears in your eyes, pain in your heart, then probably this article isn’t for you
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