Updated: How to make your own energy remedy: H.O.E., Unclove with H.O.E., or the Effortless Abundance Remedy

Summary: Some energies, healing energies, can be infused in water or water containing substances. Some energies can’t. The Energizer, the H.O.E., the Unconditional Love Activator, the 2nd and 3rd Phase Activators, and the Effortless Abundance Activator are such energies that can be infused and consumed internally. They work faster that way. Especially if your vibration is low. I myself use my own energies both ways, audio format and infused liquid format… every day. When I forget to infuse my water, I can tell… I start to be very vulnerable to emotions…

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The secret of doing something important

This article was written by a guy in Switzerland. Different culture, different cultural conversations… he lives by a method of growing himself and his business counter-culturally if you look at it from the USA, especially if you live in California. And, of course, if you live in Canada.

What is the cultural conversation that he defies? That you are supposed to know it. That you are supposed to leap tall buildings, and there is no need to practice, there is no need to learn anything, you should just know.

I could have written this article, because my story is similar.


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What is the work to become an Expanding Human Being? A case study

The sentence I hear only occasionally, is “But what is the work?”

It is not because it is not a question that concerns many, it is because you are trained to know the answer, or at least pretend that you do.

I didn’t realize this until yesterday. I did not connect the dots… I didn’t see the forest for the trees.

What woke me up and made me see the big picture was an email from a new student.

And that, in spite of the fact that I had an opinion about her, a judgment, if you wish, that she talks to much and listens little.

Some of the time my attitude and my opinion matched 🙁 when I didn’t see that my opinion is a mind chatter, and that I can create my attitude freely.

Other times I had an attitude of service, in spite of my opinion of her predisposition to talk a lot.

And then the miracle happened. She started to ask clarifying questions, and… GASP! started to do the work.

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Want to get smarter? Mindfulness meditation to the rescue

One of the most desired abilities people want to increase is intelligence.

They search high and low for an outside-method to do so… binaural beats, or any method that deals with the mind… after all the mind is the organ of smarts, right?

Wrong. The mind, in fact, has nothing to do with smarts.

in fact, most of you would benefit from reducing the mind’s relevance in your perception, and thus reclaim a lot of the processing power you already have.

As long as most of your attention and processing power goes into following the mind or fighting the mind and the emotions, you are going to have trouble to be very intelligent, astute, and it will effect your performance in every area of life where being present and operating with a full deck is important.

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