You want a better life? Want to avoid a life of quiet desperation? Resignation? Here is your path…

70% of your life is made up of the things you do every day… your habits. The remaining 30% is what you don’t have control over.
But even that 30%, where you don’t have control over what happens: you have control over how you react, how you do what you end up doing, and what is your attitude. My next article is about that… the how of your life.

Most programs you can buy make up what to teach. Given that the average truth value of programs is around 2%, what they teach must come untried, untested, and altogether not true.

Tai’s approach (Tai Lopez, 67 steps) was different. He looked at, primarily, billionaires, secondarily at famous scientists or other authors.

The truths he gleaned from billionaires: 30% truth value, the truths he gleaned from authors: 10% truth value. Hm, interesting.

Where does the difference come from?
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How high can you go from where you are?

I monitor visitor behavior on my site… to see how they treat my articles… I spend a few minutes a week, in the morning. It often gives me an idea of what to write about, what to teach next.

This article is a result of that few minutes of looking today.

Oh, I mostly look at people who signed up to get an email notification each time I publish a new article… by the way. Those people have expressed interest, so I want to see what people who say “I am interested” are doing.

There are two kinds of “readers” that I have detected.

The first kind reads the whole article, reads the footnotes, and then returns later and reads the article again.
The second kind skims the articles. Skims 2-3 articles per minute, looking for something interesting to read.

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Principle: Make your plane land on the landing strip, regardless of the weather

I have been “harping” on this with my students: hear the principle first, and then hear the rest…

If I asked you (Cinderella) to separate the wheat from the chaff… what would you do first? If you are like me, you first find out what is the difference… in looks, in weight, and then start separating them accordingly.

I even used to use this capacity (oh, forgot to say, it’s a capacity!) to hire or not hire someone to work with me. I would ask someone to separate a pile of things by their category…
For you Everything is the same as everything else … except not always
Universally missing capacity… I found out.  The underlying capacity can be said with these words: be able to tell the forest for the trees.
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