Without integrity nothing works…

I know you can’t feel anything, you have told me enough times. But if you considered that it isn’t true, that you feel, but aren’t conscious of it, that you suppress your feelings because they are unpleasant, then you could glean powerful guidance by your unpleasant feelings, if you could make yourself start to feel them.

Today I’d like to talk about the feelings that are like a ding, diiing, diiiing or a squeeze, squeeeeze, sqeeeeeeeeze. Don’t laugh, it is really difficult to create written symbols for feelings, music would be much better… but this should do. The feeling comes on sharply, and then it becomes dull, and duller…

You either feel it in your heart (that is where I feel it) or in your stomach. And yet other people feel it in the tightening of their throat. These are the three categories that I have distinguished, but it could be that you actually physically trip, feel weakness, or nausea.

We are going to hunt for feelings, but first we need to recognize them, so we’ll do an experiment first.

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Giving permission to yourself to feel what you REALLY feel is strong medicine

We live in a “fix-it” culture. Doctors, chiropractors, coaches, husbands, parents (especially mothers) are all about fixing what’s wrong with you. No wonder that you relate to everything that is going on with you as something to fix.

What is part of the “fix-it” culture, and is hidden behind it, but gives it the context, is that what is going on is INTOLERABLE, and MUST BE FIXED.

It feels like an imperative… like a straightjacket.

What is the problem with fixing stuff?

Let’s look at the action of fixing from a different point of view: what is your cone of vision when you are looking to fix something?


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What Is The Meaning Of Life? What Is The Meaning Of Your Life?

People need leaders. Need leadership.

“Most people spend their lives walking around with their umbilical cords in their hands, looking for someplace to plug in.”

Life for a human needs to make sense. It needs to have a coherent story to make sense. Life without a coherent story has no meaning, and a life without meaning is unbearable, intolerable.

People (you?) are in a continual search for meaning.

Meaning that changes with what’s happening is maddening, and confusing, and cause you to shrink. Instinctively and predictably. So REAL meaning cannot come from the outside…

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Life is getting faster. Are you getting faster with it? Or hastier?

Mistakes… what causes them?

Today is a day when I am mistake-prone. The source of 99% of all my mistakes have been caused by a phenomenon that I see in everyone I speak with… so I am not alone.

The biggest difference between different people is only the frequency with which the incidents occur, no one is immune to this mistake.

I noticed that when I have worry or greed (eager is a version of greed) present, they make my vibration incoherent. I make this type of mistakes far more often. Even my dyslexia is tripling in symptoms when I am incoherent.

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Updated: Energy medicine, energy remedy… what the heck are we talking about? I cannot wrap your mind around it!

Summary: Energy remedies are the next line of defense, the next healing modality. Eearly adapters are raving… but the general population, hasn’t even heard about them, don’t trust them. But they work, and they work fast and effectively.
I never believed in energies, until 2010. I actually thought of anyone who babbled on about energies that they were flakes… I accompanied my boy friend to a get-together with a friend. They spent a few hours swapping energies… Showing off.

I was prepared to be bored, instead I was, in quick succession, tormented, delighted, soothed, uplifted, and torn apart by the energies they gave to each other.

Energies can be defined, felt, transmitted, and infused in suitable medium.

You go to the chiropractor and they use light or laser therapy… you see the light, you believe that something is happening.

You get X-ray: you believe that something is happening.

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Rules of engagement on the horizontal plane

I like French movies. For the most part they are off-kilter, and not obvious. Which means that they may not come from the mind, they may not come from the horizontal.

But, from time to time, they slip through a movie that pushes the band wagon, pushes the societal conspiracy to enslave you.

The movie that has been coming up in my mind with a sense of urgency, is the movie “My Best Friend”.

That is a move where the main character, an art dealer, forced, by a bet, to befriend someone.

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Why do some people get fantastic results from the activators or the remedies and others get nothing or not much?

Maxwell Maltz, the creator of the program and methodology Psycho Cybernetics, was a plastic surgeon. Plastic surgery, as a rule, is to make someone more beautiful.

Many of his patients, though, didn’t get what they hoped for. Everyone said that they were beautiful, but they could not see their new you, only the ugly that they wanted to get rid of.

We could say that they had a filter that allowed only the imperfections through. I think that this “theory” is more accurate than Maxwell Maltz’s theory of self-image.

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Can you help me pick the best label?

Hi! The contest hasn’t ended, but I have created a product based on the feedback so far… with two different labels. Here they are, #1 and #2. The only difference is in the little pictures: version 1 has the Bach Flowers, version 2 has ADD children… before and after the remedy.Which one do you think is better? Please comment to vote.

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Strategy: should you have one? Plan: should you have one? and what about Goals?

Summary: to have a sense of self, to have a strong self, you need to be self-directed in your journey… which also means having a journey. The size of your life is the size of your project, and most people have small projects, mostly for otter people. You’ll learn how to start building a life and how to be directed by Self by using some basic principles.

We begin, today, the process of building up and protecting the Self from the world, never mind that you have no idea what self is: it will be clear after a few articles, don’t be impatient. It is not a simple task: after all no one has done it before… REALLY!

You’ll need to walk with me through this discovery process, without using your mind to understand: the mind is not able to understand this: this is new! And a new type of process: I am not giving you the results of years worth of thinking: I am doing this with you: live.

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Who are you? How secure are you in who you are?

Summary: Distinctions are windows to reality. They are questions asked as the beam of flashlight shine on reality but pointing out only the parts that answer the questions.

This article will shine a light on the question: how secure are you in who you are? Do you survive the onslaught of energies of the horizontal, the masses, the Facebook stuff, the “friends”, the media, the Dark Side energies… Can you stay who you are while all that is going on? Do you even know who you are?

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