What is the opposite of astute?

Astute is a word that 99% of people don’t know. Or if they know, they think it’s a bad thing. Like shrewd… it is a missing thing… It is not part of the vocabulary of the uneducated, unsophisticated, simple folks who live a pedestrian existence.

Words are great divider of people. If it is beyond you… if it is beyond your comprehension, you probably get found out by now knowing the word.

Now, with that said: astute is a person who can tell things apart, even similar things, with certainty, and ease.

People have certain areas where they are astute.

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The price of pretending being kind, nice, friendly, etc. All your colors vs. your true colors painted over… choose

Everyone pretends. Everyone avoids. Everyone is trying to be blameless… but no one is.

If you can get to see what this pretense thing is all about, you will start a new life, a life where you actually call the shot, and not what you are trying to hide or prove.

In this article we are going to look at pretense, and what it cost you. It cost you more than it gains you… but the biggest cost is that you are stuck and you can’t go to the next level.
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The story of your life… told the same way or differently

One of my greatest revelations about transformational methods was in the Wisdom Course, a year long Landmark program.

It was a method of telling the story of your life.

You can tell the story of your life in a lot of ways.

from abuse to abuse
from success to success
from the point of view of what school you went to

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Pick your battles…

Pick your battles… have an organizing principle

A good 20 years ago I had lunch with a famous seminar leader from Landmark. We had a long history, and she shared with me how unhappy she was, and how ready she was to quit leading seminars for Landmark Education.

I was quite dumbfounded… she was the best in the country, the most effective…

She said: “We teach people to be more effective, and many use the technology to be more effectively dupe people, abuse people, exploit people, make the world a worse place than it would be if they were not equipped with what we teach them.”

I didn’t have an answer for her… but I was pondering that myself for the past 20 years.

And this morning I am as close to having an answer as ever…

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UPDATED: How A Sideways Glance is The Key To Raising Your Consciousness Raising Your Vibration

Raising Your Consciousness Raising Your Vibration

I watched a movie last night. I stayed up till 1:30 am… way past my bedtime, because it was urgent for me to watch it… lol.

I knew there was something very important in it for me to get… but what?

I had seen this movie, back in Hungary, 40 years ago. I have been fascinated with it ever since.

The movie is called “The Lawyer”

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Why do some people get fantastic results from the activators or the remedies and others get nothing or not much?

Maxwell Maltz, the creator of the program and methodology Psycho Cybernetics, was a plastic surgeon. Plastic surgery, as a rule, is to make someone more beautiful.

Many of his patients, though, didn’t get what they hoped for. Everyone said that they were beautiful, but they could not see their new you, only the ugly that they wanted to get rid of.

We could say that they had a filter that allowed only the imperfections through. I think that this “theory” is more accurate than Maxwell Maltz’s theory of self-image.

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That sinking feeling in your stomach…

That sinking feeling… that you don’t measure up, the impending doom, being found out… fear of death…

I just read an article on the New York Times, and ended up having that sinking feeling in my stomach.

I don’t often have it myself, that sinking feeling in my stomach, but I experience it from students on the calls, so I decided to investigate.

The article was about the next 200 billion company. I had an experience of being a midget in a world of giants. I had an experience of being insignificant, nobody, wannabe, a failure, a nothing.

In olden times this would effect me and my mood for hours, days, weeks… depression would set in. I would look at my projects and feel ashamed.

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Our story viewed as a detective story. Who put us on the path of self-destruction? And how can we return to the original path?

Let me share with you how I get to bombastic statements like that: I have been going through some soul searching, and it’s been rough.

Working on two projects is upsetting the apple cart, which doesn’t feel very good, but is really good for me.

Unless you put yourself into a challenging situation, you have the illusion of growth, but it only becomes real when you are forced to use what you got… And then you know what you have… Like K., one of my students who is going on a 10-day visit with her mother and other relatives that have traditionally driven her crazy. We shall see if all the work, if all the activators, if the HOE long range will have created a new K. or not. And if not quite, what have we accomplished, and what more do we need to accomplish so she can have a good time, no matter what.

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