If you, they don’t get it. A movie demonstrating paradigms

I have been talking, talking, and I don’t think I am being gotten.

I make people raise their hands on calls when they got what I said, and I can feel that they are lying, some of them, when they raise their hands.

Why? Because getting something is not the same as memorizing it.

So here is am, 720 articles and 50 weeks worth of webinars later. And as usual, I am playing freecell. Suddenly images from a movie I saw a few months ago start coming up in my mind. Bubbling up.

The movie is “Almost famous” and all the scenes star the actress of Fargo fame: Frances McDormand.

She is one of my favorite actresses. Why? Because her capacity to not give a hoot at how ridiculous she looks or sounds is so endearing, so empowering to me, I get courage and power for myself to look ridiculous and not care.

In this movie she goes beyond. And this is what this article is about.

I am not going to tell you the movie: I want you to watch it. But I’ll tell one piece: through her character, exasperating as it is, I have a clearer picture, suddenly, or where the people that are not getting it are.

Some of those people are my students. One of them has been with me since 2007, another one since mid-last year.

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What Is The Difference Between A Caterpillar Becoming A Butterfly And A Human Becoming A Human Being?

What Is The Difference Between A Caterpillar Becoming A Butterfly And A Human Becoming A Human Being?

If the caterpillar/butterfly analogy were a good one, every human would be on their way to become a Human Being. It would be a DNA imperative: you would go whether you want or not. Human Being is not coded into your DNA. The space is there, the potential is there, but you need to activate it.

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Is there an alternate reality? A parallel universe? Are there really paradigms where a version of you has a different life?

Is there an alternate reality? Are there paradigms where a version of you has a different life?

These and such questions have been coming up in conversations, movies, and books lately.

My answer is: I don’t know. I only know what I experience, everything else is Tree of Knowledge stuff… and I don’t teach Tree of Knowledge stuff, hearsay at best.

The next question is: what happens when you practice paradigm-jumping in order to get guidance?

Paradigm jumping is not my invention, I bought a program and learned it there. I do one thing differently: I connect to Source and jump. Why is that different? Because when you are connected to Source you are out of your thinking mode. You can’t connect to Source from the mind… and you can’t get any useful information from jumping if you stay in the head.

Two days ago I attempted to use paradigm jumping as a transformational tool for others, for the first time.

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