The Path To Enlightenment, raising your vibration, begins with training your attention

The Brain That Changes Itself Needs You To Teach It First to perform the new action by doing it hundreds of times…

In his book, The Brain That Changes Itself, Norman Doidge, a medical doctor, deals with the physical activities, and problem solving abilities of your brain.

In that he says, and shows with valid examples, you find out that the brain demonstrates a certain plasticity, as far as how you can see, feel, or move your body.

What no one is talking about though is what differentiates a human being from a robot or an animal: changing your attention, changing your consciousness also depends on your brain’s ability to change itself.

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Is there an alternate reality? A parallel universe? Are there really paradigms where a version of you has a different life?

Is there an alternate reality? Are there paradigms where a version of you has a different life?

These and such questions have been coming up in conversations, movies, and books lately.

My answer is: I don’t know. I only know what I experience, everything else is Tree of Knowledge stuff… and I don’t teach Tree of Knowledge stuff, hearsay at best.

The next question is: what happens when you practice paradigm-jumping in order to get guidance?

Paradigm jumping is not my invention, I bought a program and learned it there. I do one thing differently: I connect to Source and jump. Why is that different? Because when you are connected to Source you are out of your thinking mode. You can’t connect to Source from the mind… and you can’t get any useful information from jumping if you stay in the head.

Two days ago I attempted to use paradigm jumping as a transformational tool for others, for the first time.

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OK, You Are Connected. You’ve Been Connecting Every Day… Now What? Are You Enlightened Now?

OK, you are connected. You’ve been connecting every day… now what? Are you done? Is this all you need to do to become an Enlightened Being?

What did this connection do to you, what did this connection do for you?

Was it a magic bullet, like a modified Law of Attraction? Maybe a magic wand? The secret “Open Sesame” command?

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Source. The Light. Are you connected? Can you connect? What happens when you connect?

Are you connected? Can you connect? What happens when you connect?

I don’t know if I have ever shared on this blog the sequence of events that lead to me connecting to what I call “Source?”

It began in 1983.

I was in Israel. I moved there is 1982. I hoped that my life would change for the better, but alas, it did not.

I spent most of my life depressed, on medication, in therapy, miserable. Intermittently it interfered even with my professional life: I had to take weeks of when I was especially depressed.

I was an architect, by the way.

One night I was driving home from some trip past the Old City of Jerusalem, and I had the good idea to stop and visit the Western Wall, the wall where it is said, you are closest to God.

It was about 3 am, and there was only one Hassid, an ultra religious Jew praying in front of the wall. I sat down about 30 maybe 40 feet from the wall, and just sat there. I looked up and asked: if there is anything there, please make me feel you.

With that I suddenly felt a connection and a two-way channel opening up. No words, no sounds, just a slight pressure in the back of my head and on the top of the head, what we now lovingly call The Tangerine Spot.

It lasted for about a minute, then I needed to pay attention to the praying man: he was yelling real loud.

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