How to grow in spite of the ego

mind-parasitesWhy do I demand that if you want to be my student, you buy and do, religiously, attentively, seriously, the 67 steps by Tai Lopez? It’s Tuesday, so it was my doing my errands day. At the grocery store, at … Continue reading

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How to grow in spite of the ego

What is it that you haven’t started to work on because you could not see your way to it?

strategySometimes a simple question can open up a whole new world of possibilities In one of the 67 step videos, Man on the moon, the question is, at the end of the video: what was impossible before, and now it … Continue reading

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What is it that you haven’t started to work on because you could not see your way to it?

Empathy… Life’s most important capacity to master

empathy-lifes-most-essential-skillIn my inquiries, I find that more and more capacities that I’ve assumed we all have, it turns out, we don’t. The question that has been puzzling me is why certain ethnic groups that were persecuted at any one time … Continue reading

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Empathy… Life’s most important capacity to master

Why You’re Dumb, Sick, Broke, and probably miserable, fearful, and lonely

quote-just-like-the-front-and-the-back-of-the-hand-being-and-action-are-distinct-yet-inseparable-werner-erhard-72-77-69Correcting language This article tries to explain something I heard 30 years ago, and it took, till today to understand. So it’s not easy, but it has the answer to the question in the title, and it has the key … Continue reading

Continued here – 

Why You’re Dumb, Sick, Broke, and probably miserable, fearful, and lonely

Your free will, your choice is mostly inside the question: shall I shrink or shall I grow?

finally-flyingYou have been choosing the shrink most of your life… and you ended up on my site with a meager number of capacities, hoping to get more out of life than you are getting. You have been choosing, consistently to … Continue reading

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Your free will, your choice is mostly inside the question: shall I shrink or shall I grow?

DNA capacities… how many should you get activated?

Dancing-with-BirdsThis question is coming up with increasing frequency. You should ONLY activate a capacity if and when you need it, when you have a use for it, and it’s missing. Otherwise you won’t know what to do with it, and … Continue reading

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DNA capacities… how many should you get activated?

What story does your email address tell about you?

spiritual-gangster-t-shirtI just sent out a bunch of emails to people that I wasn’t sure wanted to get my emails.I wanted the ones that didn’t, to unsubscribe. Why? Because I don’t like to anger people… and people anger really easily… The … Continue reading

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What story does your email address tell about you?

Updated: Are you at cause or are you at effect?

Can context be cause? Note: I wrote this article three years ago, but it is as timely as ever… It moved me then, and it moves me today… Enjoy! This question doesn’t sound like it could make much sense, does … Continue reading

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Updated: Are you at cause or are you at effect?

How do you know if a program or method works or not?

A better question: How do you know if a program or method will work for you or not? That is a crucial question. A program may work, but you won’t like it you will be afraid to do what you … Continue reading

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How do you know if a program or method works or not?

Chronic issues, no answers? Some questions are answered here…

Life, nature, growth are chaotic, and non-linear Your thinking, your mind, on the other hand is linear. When it asks the question “why” it expects a linear answer. But, of course, any and all linear answers are wrong. Garbage in-garbage … Continue reading

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Chronic issues, no answers? Some questions are answered here…