How self-fulfilling prophecy really works, or what is the difference between thinking and having thoughts

Everybody teaches that what you think about comes about. What they base this inane untruth on is the bad things that you somehow seem to “make happen” by concentrating on them through fear.

And although the fear-based “manifestation” is true a lot of the time, the “positive” manifestation happens only as accident, if ever.

The basis of the “negative manifestation” is called self fulfilling prophecy in psychology, which is a pseudo-science based on observation and theories.

Most of the theories in any discipline are wrong, so nothing special about psychology. What is special is how pseudo religion, law of attraction made it a law… churns my stomach. And we all ate it in our fervent desire to gain some control over our lives.

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Life is getting faster. Are you getting faster with it? Or hastier?

Mistakes… what causes them?

Today is a day when I am mistake-prone. The source of 99% of all my mistakes have been caused by a phenomenon that I see in everyone I speak with… so I am not alone.

The biggest difference between different people is only the frequency with which the incidents occur, no one is immune to this mistake.

I noticed that when I have worry or greed (eager is a version of greed) present, they make my vibration incoherent. I make this type of mistakes far more often. Even my dyslexia is tripling in symptoms when I am incoherent.

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You are weird

Why would I insult you like this? If it is insulting to you, I apologize. Looking from your mind, I am probably wrong.

But looking from reality, looking from existence, your behavior is weird.

Your actions are inconsistent with what you really want, your actions seem like preprogrammed… no matter what, behave this way.

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Feelings Buried Alive Never Die… Unless

Summary: this is a heavy duty psychological excavation of what is secretly running your life… but it is worth reading. but if you like to just nod and do nothing with what you read, don’t read it… it is wasted on you.

I had an interesting and unexpected experience today.

A few years ago I bought a woman’s book to help her becoming an Amazon best seller author. I didn’t read the book. Never opened it past the introduction.

Now that I am trying to sell my thousands of books on Amazon, I ran into it…

I started to read her author’s bio on the site, and I had a huge attack of sorts.

Hate, anger, the desire to kill. Tears sprung into my eyes, my muscles tensed, I gritted my teeth, and my body was shaking. Wow. I haven’t had that in a long time.

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What is stress? Not what you think…

99% of humanity looks at the world, at what’s happening, at everything as an Effect does.

You can be Cause in life and you can be Effect.

You can’t even begin raising your vibration until you become, at least partially, Cause in your life, Cause of everything.

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Trying to define yourself is like trying to bite your own teeth

Trying to define yourself is like trying to bite your own teeth. ~ Alan Watts.

Lots of people like this quote. They like it because few people are even able to go one step further than thinking of defining themselves from their minds.

One of my students tried. He said: “I work for this and this company. I am intimate and loving.

Now, let me ask you: why define yourself? For what purpose?

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Your brain will help you become an Expanding Human Being

Summary: Most of us don’t know who we really are. What we really want. Where to start, what to do to become an expanding human being… Here is an exercise that can be really helpful, and you could start exercising the faculties that will lead you to clarity of who you are and what you want.

“The most complex problems can be stripped to their essence through unemotional critical thinking. Successful problem solvers simplify complex problems while seeking kindergarten solutions” ~ Steve Siebold

The complex problem I have been struggling with is how to teach people to start using their faculties, start to use their brain for what it is really good for, instead of searching for answers outside of them, instead of asking questions from others.

A simple solution showed up in a conversation with a client today.

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Your current “core” identity. How to find it, how to build a better one?

I have written in a previous post that I discovered that my hidden identity is “worthless piece of junk = unwanted”. I use the word junk, because this expression is a translation from my native Hungarian. In the original the expression is closer to “nothing” than anything, by the way. But in English, I am afraid, that won’t communicate. “I am nothing”, does it?

From time to time I notice it “informing my mood, informing my actions.”

I found a blog that I enjoy reading. The writer of the blog is intelligent, inventive, and although we have a different base world view (he prays, I don’t) I like his blog a lot. I researched him this morning. All the pictures on his blog are white folks… turns out he is a good looking Black guy from Florida.

Hm. What must be his “core” identity that he won’t show his face on his blog?

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Takeover of the planet through taking over your mind

The general public, including writers, can’t fathom anything less crude for mind-control than the affirmations in the Brave New World, or the microchip in Interface. A little bit more subtle is the method in Snow Crash, but not much.

The general public, including writers, cannot perceive, cannot conceive, cannot believe in the idea that mind-control is much more subtle, and it is going on all the time.

Or maybe how it is done in reality would not sell books? That is possible too.

Who is controlling your mind and to what end? What do they want that they are doing it… and they have been doing it for about seven thousand years… maybe even more.

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