Keep your enemies close… with friends like this who needs enemies?

The article below about the subject has received a lot of interest, more than any other on our site. We believe it’s because it pulls no punches. Yet, while it’s an important issue, it’s not all doom and gloom, there is another point of view that some find quite unorthodox, but workable.

This article has proven to be very useful to our readers and they come back regularly to keep abreast of the latest developments. While the subject remains an important subject, it’s always an added bonus when you can be enlightened, and even amused by being shown the other side of the issue. Some things are not always what they seem. Read on for more insight.

calvin1I am reading all the books by Michael Connelly. I had read about 20 before getting to the last few I have on my kindle… these books stirred up something in me… Suddenly, in these last few books, there is … Continue reading

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Raise Your Vibration: Connect To Source teaches you how to connect to Source (God?) so you can live your life’s purpose, get answers, more

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Keep your enemies close… with friends like this who needs enemies?
The next time you know you are getting the short end of the stick, come back and pay us a visit. We would love to hear your comments about the article so please take a moment and drop us a line.

Quality is our passion and the reason we developed our website. We want to spread the word about the subject so that nobody has to put up with mediocre and second best again.

The Truth of the Story you tell… or how to change your future by changing the story

This the subject blog is a prime online resource for everything you need to know about it. There are tutorials that will guide you on the step by step process, and there are articles that provide enriched information for your use. It is amazing how many people have actually learned much from this site. Feel free to browse the site… there is a lot of information waiting!

originalYour story is boring, repetitive, and fixed. You tell it the same every time the same, and it gives you a life of gloom and doom, an every narrowing, ever more impoverished version of the Life you could have. This … Continue reading

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Raise Your Vibration: Connect To Source teaches you how to connect to Source (God?) so you can live your life’s purpose, get answers, more

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The Truth of the Story you tell… or how to change your future by changing the story
This blog started out as a simple repository of basic information, then it grew to be a place on the web that is dedicated to the subject. We thank everyone who contributed to our blog and also the people who painstakingly take time to read and comment – to make our site the best that it could be.

The similarity between organized religion and medicine… is there any? or Is it the mind or is it the Ego that is holding you back, that is not…

The blog was created to be a hub of all the enthusiasts and even the experts to provide useful information for the beginners. This blog has grown to be a comprehensive portal for people who have an interest in the subject.

A lot of readers have voted this blog to be a very good place to start when learning about it. We have sections that tackle the subject in general and we also have an extensive library of specialized information.

During a recent coaching session, the student was giving the mind all the credit for her issues: fear of making a mistake, fear of doing anything new, fear of trusting anyone or anything, etc. I was listening, and the more … Continue reading

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Raise Your Vibration: Connect To Source teaches you how to connect to Source (God?) so you can live your life’s purpose, get answers, more



The similarity between organized religion and medicine… is there any? or Is it the mind or is it the Ego that is holding you back, that is not…
The next time you know you are getting the short end of the stick, come back and pay us a visit. We would love to hear your comments about the article so please take a moment and drop us a line.

Quality is our passion and the reason we developed our website. We want to spread the word about the subject so that nobody has to put up with mediocre and second best again.

Updated: Low Vibration? High Vibration? What’s The Difference?

This the subject blog is a prime online resource for everything you need to know about it. There are tutorials that will guide you on the step by step process, and there are articles that provide enriched information for your use. It is amazing how many people have actually learned much from this site. Feel free to browse the site… there is a lot of information waiting!

What is Low Vibration? What is High Vibration? Is it really vibration? Why should I have one rather than the other? Really? These are very smart and relevant questions. Don’t be fooled by hype, don’t be intimidated by the psycho-babble … Continue reading

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Raise Your Vibration: Connect To Source teaches you how to connect to Source (God?) so you can live your life’s purpose, get answers, more

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Updated: Low Vibration? High Vibration? What’s The Difference?
The next time you know you are getting the short end of the stick, come back and pay us a visit. We would love to hear your comments about the article so please take a moment and drop us a line.

Quality is our passion and the reason we developed our website. We want to spread the word about the subject so that nobody has to put up with mediocre and second best again.

Models of reality: which one is true?

Are you finding the information on the subject confusing? Perhaps you are finding much of the information contradictory? If so, you are not alone. That’s the reason why we developed our website. We spent time trying to gather the facts for ourselves, unfortunately, what we found didn’t help us make decisions at all.

Have a look at the article below. It presents the facts in such an easy language that we were able to understand it immediately. If it helps clear the fog for you, please let your friends know about our website, as it might be useful for them also.

Reality is vast, vast beyond human comprehension. The human brain may be vast, the human consciousness may be vast, but neither of them compares to the vastness of reality. So no matter how much human consciousness grows, it will never … Continue reading

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Raise Your Vibration: Connect To Source teaches you how to connect to Source (God?) so you can live your life’s purpose, get answers, more

Original post –

Models of reality: which one is true?
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If you feel we missed an important update, let us know and we’ll be happy to create a post!

Memorial Day Fun…

If you would like to know more about the subject – then you will want to read this article. It includes plenty of information about this subject that is sure to help you better understand the ins and outs that seem to confuse most people. It really does not have to be difficult to understand.

The information that follows is one way to look at this information, and after reading the article you are free to form your own opinion. Whether or not you agree with the subject matter is up to you, and you are certainly free to make up your own mind about the material presented here.

Original post: 

Memorial Day Fun…
If you want to suggest related things about the subject that can be featured in this blog, you may contact us and we will happily look into it. Feel free to let us know, as we would like to make our site the top resource website for our readers who are interested in the subject. We would love to know your thoughts as well as other feedback to make our blog better. Please feel free to leave a comment or a message. We would love to hear from you.

Pick your battles

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This blog will have the information that you need that is fresh from the source! You can subscribe to our feeds or you can join the mailing list, so you can make sure that you are in with the times, and ahead of everyone!

Every Tuesday my driver picks me up and takes me shopping, to the chiropractor, and other errands. It makes me look like an old lady, but that doesn’t make me an old lady… yet it took me quite a while … Continue reading

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Raise Your Vibration: Connect To Source teaches you how to connect to Source (God?) so you can live your life’s purpose, get answers, more

More –

Pick your battles
Do you feel that the information that you have just read satisfies your curiosity about the subject? If so, send us a message of affirmation. However, if you feel that there is a need for improvement, please also let us know where we can add more details. It is our goal to make this site the best resource for the subject. Your feedback will be highly appreciated!

Bloodless, tearless transformation: is it possible?

It’s not surprising many people are looking for information on the subject when it’s such a common issue for so many, yet, good information is hard to find. That’s why we have gathered everything you need to know, right here.

The article below goes directly to the heart of the matter and explains all sides of the issue. We hope it answers your particular questions.

We strive to keep our information up-to-date so that you can find everything you need to know, right here, on our website. Our researchers probe all the key media wires and inside sources to bring you the news while it is happening. Find it here and be the first to know.

The powers that be teach to keep your face to the light and avoid the darkness surrounding it. It eventually evolved to a slogan: Think Positive. Result: a sissy humanity that is drowning in misery. There are two kinds of … Continue reading

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Raise Your Vibration: Connect To Source teaches you how to connect to Source (God?) so you can live your life’s purpose, get answers, more

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Bloodless, tearless transformation: is it possible?
If you found this article insightful, please let us know. It’s your feedback that keeps us motivated to dig out the details. If there are any other issues you would like to see us addresses, again, just let us know and we will include them in future articles and newsletters.

This is your website. We cover the issues about the subject that matter to you. Please bookmark our site and let your friends know about us.

Letting the genie out of the bottle

The blog was created to be a hub of all the enthusiasts and even the experts to provide useful information for the beginners. This blog has grown to be a comprehensive portal for people who have an interest in the subject.

A lot of readers have voted this blog to be a very good place to start when learning about it. We have sections that tackle the subject in general and we also have an extensive library of specialized information.

It seems that you and me alike, are afraid of let go of control. We are afraid of life out of control, of sh-i-t hitting the fan, of what we will do when that happens. So we keep on controlling, … Continue reading

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Raise Your Vibration: Connect To Source teaches you how to connect to Source (God?) so you can live your life’s purpose, get answers, more

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Letting the genie out of the bottle
Now, wasn’t that an easy read? We hope that you found the article as useful as we did. It’s hard to understand why some information is written in a way that just makes it impossible to decipher. the subject is so important to so many people that getting the right information, the first time, makes all the difference in making a timely decision. And who has time to wait these days?

Am I a freak of nature or a fraud? You decide…

Welcome to our website, which is devoted to the subject. Thousands of people search the internet looking for information about this every month. We have pulled all the best information together and put it under one roof.

We have separated the key issues and put them on their own pages to make them easier to access. You will find the posts highly informative, and while here, have a look at the comments as well. There are lots of great suggestions from our readers, in fact, share your own suggestions, we would love to hear them.

Before you do though, check out the article below: it is intelligently written and the author makes some insightful points.

I just watched a documentary on youtube. It is in the footnotes of this article… It’s about a savant who accidentally has social skills and maybe all around intelligence. Most savants are autistic with no social skills, and no real … Continue reading

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Raise Your Vibration: Connect To Source teaches you how to connect to Source (God?) so you can live your life’s purpose, get answers, more

Original article:

Am I a freak of nature or a fraud? You decide…