Is how you feel, your mood, an accurate indicator of your vibration? Energies part 6

Please check the special offer on the mini speaker that sounds like a Bose (the best audio I know). Also a great gift! Harmonize your vibration included!

Dr David Hawkins says that your mood indicated your vibration aka consciousness level. Is that accurate?

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Energies Part 3 The documentary “Water: The Great Mystery” an analysis and vibrational review.

I just watched and listened to the documentary “Water the Great Mystery” at the recommendation of one of my students. . It’s 6 parts, so watch them on youtube.

The movie is 40% accurate, the rest is misleading or is outright misdirection.

A felt that the underlying intention, from the beginning, was propaganda… a strong agenda. I first thought it’s to sell water equipment to the people, but it turned out to be more religious misdirection. Regardless whether the researchers had anything truthful, the assembly of the fragmented information, the “masterful” mixing or religious propaganda made the valuable content a vibrational level of miserable 180.

Now, is it worth for you to watch it? Probably not. Why? Because you are far below the level where the capacity “discerning” lives, which is 499.

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I had an “interesting” and terrifying experience this past week or two. My brain was taken over…

It started two weeks ago with not having a book to read. So I went back to watching Netflix movies.

I didn’t see that anything I can do will make a difference (yes, me! lol) so passing my time doing something that won’t matter was the “best” choice.

I picked a series called “Chuck” to watch. The series is about a guy who downloads the entire database of the CIA to his brain, and he can access it through flashing: i.e. when he sees something or someone that triggers a “search-found” result in that database.

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Your emotional baseline and your chances for success

I read a very interesting article today. It is about being able to predict from how you were as a baby and toddler your chances for success, your chances for being smart, your chances for aberrant, deviant behavior, like crime or addictions.

And although most of you, if you read it, will be resigned to how you turned out, or alternatively argue till you are hoarse with the predictions, there is a more constructive way to read the article: get guidance.

Of course, if you are already having trouble in life, you are habitually relating to everything as a good reason to get depressed, turn to the bottle, get angry, or eat more m&m’s, but if you are not quite there, there is the guidance I recommend that you get:

All of those signs you demonstrated as a toddler are correctable by the Bach Flower Energies.

If you have a propensity for being impatient, wanting immediate gratification, not being able to hang in there and do what you need to do even if it is tedious, or unsuccessful at the moment, the Bach Flower Energy Impatience will increase your capacity for more patience, so you can actually get something done, learn something, hang in there.

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Updated: If your vibration is under 200

Before I let you use any of my products, your purchase needs to get approved by me. Why? Because most people don’t understand that not everything is going to work for them. They like something and they want it… then they will return it because it won’t do what I promised.

All promises are conditional. Just like weight loss products are conditional on your eating and exercising changes… If you don’t keep your end of the deal, the deal is off.

The only part I have control over is your vibration when you make the purchase. If your vibration is under a certain level, the product you bought won’t work for you. That simple…. Low vibrational level is also expressed by a lack of intelligence. Most people buy products without asking for their vibration to be measured… And then I have to disappoint them because they can’t have what they ordered. Please don’t be one of those… Get your vibration measured by me for a small donation.

What works for people with a vibration under 200? Or at the minimum 170

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Witches, Sorcerers, Dark Side Practitioners, Sociopaths and YOU. What are you going to do?

There is no light without darkness and there is no darkness without light. If darkness ever takes over for a moment, in that moment light will be reborn.
The pitiful world of internet witches and sorcerers also known as energy practitioners

Lots of women fancy themselves really powerful and really lethal. They have a good story, the typical one is that they knew early on that they were special, blah blah blah.

They can wield energies, and they make money hand over fist (I think), have fan group groupies, tribes… like Teal Scott’s.

You see, there is no need to invent dark spirits, reptilians, ghosts, extraterrestrials… we have our own full house of all-kinds-of people.

I have been attacked, psychically, with energies, for a week now. First one person, then another joined in, and now if I feel it correctly, it is up to five people doing it in tandem.

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The path to raising your vibration, to earn your vibration, to become a Human Being – Part 2:

If you haven’t, please read Part 1 of this article first. It will make more sense… it will set the context.
The missing godliness are called virtues.

Living virtuously is a daily struggle, a daily battle. No one, no matter how high their vibration, is ever done. Not a Buddha, not a Jesus, not anyone.

The two problems I see in this “business” of raising your vibration:

You want happiness, joy, fulfillment, the exact way you want pleasure: food, sex, the breeze on your face. You don’t want to earn it, you just want to get it. You may want to buy it, but happiness, joy, fulfillment is not something you can buy. But there are plenty of gurus, doctors, healers, teachers, that will accommodate your slothful desire:

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The gap between who you are and who you say (pretend) you are causes stress

The gap between who you are and who you say (pretend) you are causes stress. Most of us have lofty ideals and mediocre (at best) actions…

This is why noted gurus, healers, coaches, teachers have a low vibration.

You, the person seeking enlightenment, peace, healing, or success, expect the person who teaches you to know it all, be all, and never have any negative feelings, to not be like you.

The truth is that no matter where you are on the evolutionary scale, you will always have negative feelings.

The difference between someone with low vibration and someone with high vibration is what they do with the negative feelings.

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Energize Water to 653 With Energizer Audio – A fast revolutionary way to get fully energized water

Water Energizer Audio: Energize Your Water With Energies Embedded in Audio; Beta Testers Complete!

Necessity is the mother of invention… Or we could say that Creative Problem Solving is the mother of invention, at least in my case.

Five days ago I created an Avatar State Activator for myself, for Creative Problem Solving… I needed it to solve some issues that looked like a catch 22… impossible to solve.

I played the audio and was wondering what kind of “solution” I will find to my problem.

Today I received an order for a liter of energized water from a student… and realized that I so underpriced it, that I was working for free… not a good thing… lol.

Then I had an idea: what if I could record myself energizing water, would the energy be embedded in the audio? Muscle test said yes… so I recorded it and you can get it now.

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You feel out of whack. Raise your vibration to grow… as a person, financially, more joy, more fun, more love?

The key to growth is noticing… The key to raising your vibration is awareness
“Dear Astrology Guy: Please tell me why I have to work so hard — meditate, reflect, read, analyze, poke, prod, investigate — to discover truths about myself that must be obvious to others. Why is it so hard for me to see where I need healing and where I need to let go? Why is it such an ordeal to grasp what is interfering with my wholeness when I can quickly pinpoint what other people’s issues are? -Overworked Virgo.” Dear Overworked: I’m happy to report that you will soon be offered a gush of revelations about who you are, how you can heal, and what strategies will best serve your quest to minimize your anxiety. Are you prepared to absorb some intense teachings? For best results, make yourself extra receptive.
Now, if you are like me, you want to raise your vibration! You don’t want to wait for the “right alignment of the planets” to be able to heal, or minimize your anxiety, get guidance, etc. You want to do it now, if possible. You can if you concentrate on raising your vibration instead of all the details.

You want to take an active stance, an active position in the matter.

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