MindValley’s total transformation class with Dr. Fabrizio Mancini and Christine Bullock

I am an affiliate (get commission) at MindValley. I have even applied to be one of their teachers, but they sent me a form letter back, so I said F… it. I’ll go on my own.

I duplicated the video at the bottom or the post…

Here is the email I am supposed to send you:
[First Name], do you meditate daily? Over 30 million people in America do.

And do you know what daily meditation can do to you?

It can…

— Boost intelligence and sharpen your focus

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Q-A: Can the Energizer be added to the Effortless Abundance Activator audio?

Summary: This question came up three times in the past 12 hours, so it must be on a lot of people’s mind: why didn’t I add the Energizer energy to the Effortless Abundance Activator audio?
Hello Sophie,

I would like to ask if I can come to Wed. Abundance Activator Meditation Class? I bought a whole package but don’t know if I can just come up like that or if I should of been there from the beginning.
Also I would like to ask if Abundance Activator can charge water the same way the water energizer does? Or do I need to charge it with both water energizer and then Abundance. I bought water energizer with harmonizer together and I know I can’t use both at the same time so I’ve been using one for one day and the other one the other.

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