New Weekend Workshop: Get unstuck with the detached capacity

stuckWhat would you do if you could do anything? It’s hard to answer, isn’t it? After all seeing the whole big world with all its possibilities and opportunities is very hard when you live in a small box created by … Continue reading

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New Weekend Workshop: Get unstuck with the detached capacity

What makes soap operas addictive? What are YOU hooked on?

got-its-hooks-in-youVery “interesting” experience. I watched the first year of Dexter, and although I wanted to watch all episodes, the first year was not addictive. But I had a premonition about the rest of the series. Made up by skilled television … Continue reading

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What makes soap operas addictive? What are YOU hooked on?

Children. All become stupid, ugly grown-ups

intelligence-jokes“Intelligence is the inborn capacity to see, to perceive. Every child is born intelligent, then made stupid by the society. We educate him in stupidity. Sooner or later he graduates in stupidity. Intelligence is a natural phenomenon – just as … Continue reading

Link to article: 

Children. All become stupid, ugly grown-ups

Do you feel that no one listens, and your contribution is not valued? This solves that…

p2xPzmtI found this article in my inbox. I think it is perfect for what I teach… So let’s see how it applies… The article is about hypnosis secrets: a way to manipulate others through hypnotic language… I don’t recommend it. … Continue reading

See the article here:

Do you feel that no one listens, and your contribution is not valued? This solves that…

How do you get an attachment? Why some people get attachments while others don’t?

jumping attachmentI have been watching, patiently, for understanding the differences that put one at risk of attachments, while others escape an interaction with the same person, without getting an attachment. After seeing enough people, and repeatedly removing attachments from the same … Continue reading


How do you get an attachment? Why some people get attachments while others don’t?

Can you learn the skill of negotiation?

negotiation-skills-mapWhat is the relationship between skills, learning new skills, and capacities? All my life I have been puzzled why perfectly normal people fail at even understanding concepts from certain things, like distinctions, from communication, negotiation, empathy, caring, team work, leadership, … Continue reading

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Can you learn the skill of negotiation?

Life skills, capacity, talent, desire, ambition, greed defined… can you manifest with what you have?

life-skillsOK… this is the continuation of the WWII article… In that I talk about Hitler and look at what was the issue that caused him losing the war in Russia… So I am repeating what I said there… Hitler: 10 … Continue reading

Excerpt from:  

Life skills, capacity, talent, desire, ambition, greed defined… can you manifest with what you have?

The Great Equalizer? How do you calculate the value of a tool you buy?

'Yet here we are, exactly the same!'The main challenge I face as a change agent, as someone who can effect energetic and DNA changes in a human, is that people look at me as the Great Equalizer. Finally, you feel, you can beat the Bill Gates’ … Continue reading

Originally from:

The Great Equalizer? How do you calculate the value of a tool you buy?

Don’t Pee on my Leg and Tell Me It’s Raining or how to become someone responsible

I borrowed that expression from Judge Judy, because I like it. But it is also perfect, because Judge Judy calls for responsibility… to no avail… Why? Because responsibility is a capacity encoded and dormant in human DNA… only a few, … Continue reading

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Don’t Pee on my Leg and Tell Me It’s Raining or how to become someone responsible

Looking at the quote “No problem can be solved on the same level of consciousness which created it…” through spiritual capacities

no-problem-can-be-solved-from-the-same-level-of-consciousnessThe quote, “No problem can be solved on the same level of consciousness which created it…” is thrown about, without a true understanding what the saying entails. When Einstein was a professor of Physics, he gave a test to his … Continue reading

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Looking at the quote “No problem can be solved on the same level of consciousness which created it…” through spiritual capacities