Want to enslave a man? rob the man of his common sense

If you want to enslave a man, the best and fastest way to go about it is to rob the man of his common sense, his guidance system. The feelings.

Train him to not trust his feelings.  To not even feel them. Or call them emotion names.

Train him that he can’t trust his feelings. Train him that all decisions should be made by men smarter than him. And by all means, train him that he can’t be trusted to made decisions about the education, the health about his children.

Train him by printing on plastic bags that they should not be put in the cradle… because a child may suffocate playing with it… Do this so the man will stop thinking for himself and start relying entirely on thing being given to him chewed and digested.
Give him the religion of positive thinking.
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The “Racket” of transformation, transformational methods, programs, potions, transmissions, pills revealed

Warning: I use all my articles as a vehicle for me to muddle through issues, to gain clarity, to distill the truth, to separate illusion from reality.

This article goes through a meandering path… and unless you follow the path closely, you won’t get to the result and get the same clarity, so you will be wasting your time.

If you don’t have the time to read this article attentively, don’t read it, it will make no sense in the end.

The juice is in the detail, the juice is in the journey, the scenery one can see… You’ve been warned.

Humanity lives in quiet desperation. Everyone. Even the rich and famous. They are aimless, purposeless, dissatisfied, judgmental, jealous and envious, craving love, craving sex, craving belonging, craving a sense of meaning. At times more than at others.

Was it always like this? Before our time? I don’t know. I actually think so. But I can’t know. My memories of another life are just memories, me-centered, so I don’t know what life was like for people. I know in every past life memory I lived in quiet desperation.

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Updated: What is Source’s Take on Negativity?

People talk about positive and negative, positivity, negativity, and other Law of Attraction b.s. but they are completely misdirected, mistaken, shallow and involved in magical thinking.

The only real divisions of “content” when it comes to your mind, your actions, your emotions, your intentions, your context and principles: is it from the Tree of Life or from the Tree of Knowledge, or said in an even simpler way: is it reality or is it unreality, is it a fact or is it a fiction.

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You don’t have enough time? Are you sure that’s what’s happening?

Each cultural group has a typical way of saying something that sounds weird for a “foreigner.”

Israelis say: “Ein li koah” meaning: I don’t have the energy… add the exhausted breathless tone of voice to get the total mood.

Americans, if I am a judge of that, lol, say: I don’t have time! add the exclamation mark to get the mood… it is like throwing your hands up in total exasperation.

Hungarians say: Too much to do…

I say: I don’t have brain cells for that.

All of the statements above are mistaken in pinpointing the cause of the “no”.

Why do you feel like you don’t have enough time?

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