Rules of engagement on the horizontal plane

I like French movies. For the most part they are off-kilter, and not obvious. Which means that they may not come from the mind, they may not come from the horizontal.

But, from time to time, they slip through a movie that pushes the band wagon, pushes the societal conspiracy to enslave you.

The movie that has been coming up in my mind with a sense of urgency, is the movie “My Best Friend”.

That is a move where the main character, an art dealer, forced, by a bet, to befriend someone.

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Think and grow rich, number one distributor of mind virus… Jesus Juice is just close second.

Truth repeated is a lie.

These is one of those sentences that don’t make sense when you read it from the mind.

Napoleon Hill interviewed lots of successful people. He repeated their words. The words became a lie.

Let’s see all the reasons why truth repeated is a lie, ok?

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Who is running your life, the entrepreneur you or the accountant you?

Just like a company, shrinking looks like a good way to increase profitability.

But business may be (it isn’t) about profitability, but life isn’t.

When someone asks me what is the surest path to Expanding Human Being, I always bring up Bob the Butler. Or the quote and principle from the Neal Stephenson book: Diamond Age. Start living an interesting life. When your goal is not to win every step of the way, it is not to shrink to the size that you can manage, but to grow through trials and failures to the sky: i.e. an interesting life.

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You don’t have enough time? Are you sure that’s what’s happening?

Each cultural group has a typical way of saying something that sounds weird for a “foreigner.”

Israelis say: “Ein li koah” meaning: I don’t have the energy… add the exhausted breathless tone of voice to get the total mood.

Americans, if I am a judge of that, lol, say: I don’t have time! add the exclamation mark to get the mood… it is like throwing your hands up in total exasperation.

Hungarians say: Too much to do…

I say: I don’t have brain cells for that.

All of the statements above are mistaken in pinpointing the cause of the “no”.

Why do you feel like you don’t have enough time?

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Suck it up?

I used to have clients and friends that their biggest complaint of others was that they wanted them to suck it up.

What does it mean ‘suck it up’? It simply means: “stop complaining, and say “f… it!” and move on.

This seems the hardest thing for humans to do… maybe even harder than summoning the courage to be alone, to read, to stop overeating, or do some “real” work.

I wouldn’t be writing about this, if I hadn’t had a recent run-in with the need to suck it up.

As you may know, I am a new Amazon seller. I am doing that so I don’t have to depend on you, my dear reader, on my livelihood, and that I can tell you the way it is, without sugarcoating it, without trying to make you like me… spend money with me… etc.

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What Does It Say About You That You Have A Pet?

This article will upset many. Just please know, that if you are getting upset, it is indicating that your vibration is very low, and the anger is a smoke screen to avoid seeing it, and avoid being seen as such. As a pet owner, you are, probably, priding yourself of giving life to a pet, but the reality is much more sinister than that.

Consciousness is going to cost you something… a delusion? An illusion? Being asleep and oblivious? We shall see.

Another reason it is important for some of you to read is this: if you want to become and Expanding Human Being, if you want to raise your vibration, then you need to be effective. In order to become effective, you need to act on what’s real, on what’s so, instead of action on some delusion, some fantasy… like Don Quixote.

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Who or what is The Creator that loves you unconditionally? A breakthrough in context

Summary: In this article I am going to illustrate to you how something evolves, as opposed to being born…

I will illustrate to you the thought process it takes to move something from good to better to better and even better… There is no such thing as best in this thought process. This is the foundation of an Expanding Human Being: there is no limit to expanding, neither in the mind nor in the reality of the Original Design. And I’ll share the breakthrough we had in raising your vibration.

When I came to this country at age 38, I was much like you in a lot of ways. One of the thngs that I remember vividly is my relationship to improvement. If a product label said “improved”, my thought was “that means it wasn’t good before, and probably isn’t good now… so I won’t get it.”I still lived in the mind, and the mind does not like improvement, it doesn’t like change. If something is good, then it is good, no need for improvement… Bah humbug.
When I was an architecture students, I learned two things that became totally useful regardless of the field I applied them. One of these is what I learned from my famed History of Architecture professor: He shared that when he graduated as an architect, he went to work in a theater, instead of the field of design or construction.

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What’s wrong with you?

I never met my grandfather. Which means people can teach you, “give you advice” with their life.

Both my grandfathers died in the Holocaust.

My maternal grandfather was a lawyer. He was hardheaded. He violated every rule, he beat my grandmother, he was the “head” of the family.

When my mother, then 24 years old, found a way to avoid being taken to concentration camp, and told him, he said that she was stupid, and that she could just go herself. She did and she lived.

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OK, You Are Connected. You’ve Been Connecting Every Day… Now What? Are You Enlightened Now?

OK, you are connected. You’ve been connecting every day… now what? Are you done? Is this all you need to do to become an Enlightened Being?

What did this connection do to you, what did this connection do for you?

Was it a magic bullet, like a modified Law of Attraction? Maybe a magic wand? The secret “Open Sesame” command?

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You feel out of whack. Raise your vibration to grow… as a person, financially, more joy, more fun, more love?

The key to growth is noticing… The key to raising your vibration is awareness
“Dear Astrology Guy: Please tell me why I have to work so hard — meditate, reflect, read, analyze, poke, prod, investigate — to discover truths about myself that must be obvious to others. Why is it so hard for me to see where I need healing and where I need to let go? Why is it such an ordeal to grasp what is interfering with my wholeness when I can quickly pinpoint what other people’s issues are? -Overworked Virgo.” Dear Overworked: I’m happy to report that you will soon be offered a gush of revelations about who you are, how you can heal, and what strategies will best serve your quest to minimize your anxiety. Are you prepared to absorb some intense teachings? For best results, make yourself extra receptive.
Now, if you are like me, you want to raise your vibration! You don’t want to wait for the “right alignment of the planets” to be able to heal, or minimize your anxiety, get guidance, etc. You want to do it now, if possible. You can if you concentrate on raising your vibration instead of all the details.

You want to take an active stance, an active position in the matter.

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