The Mysteries Of The Universe: Can we know the truth?

The Mysteries Of The Universe

The first time I encountered in another myopia and narrow mindedness was about 10 years ago. I was at a class in Colorado, and one of the people there was the creator of Holosync, and I was a regular user, a fan of Holosync at the time. In one of the breaks I shared with this dude the principle of water energizing, only to awaken his wreath: water is water, H2O, what are you talking about? I called him names, I must admit, and have been feeling the wound of one of my gurus having proven himself to be an arsehole. I never used Holosync again. I don’t want to turn out like you, dude… lol.

That actually cost me.

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Thought provoking: the planet’s smartest people have a narrow cone of vision…

This is an article I reprinted because I found that it comes at the right juncture: where people are asked to decide if they are going to be the cause of their own evolution, or if they are going to assume the worry for themselves… Worry means no action. It’s a pretense. It is the only recourse of the cowardly, impotent, and ineffective.
The 150 Things the World’s Smartest People Are Afraid of
Afraid Of What? By Brian Merchant

Every year, the online magazine Edge–the so-called smartest website in the world, helmed by science impresario John Brockman–asks top scientists, technologists, writers, and academics to weigh in on a single question. This year, that query was “What Should We Be Worried About?”, and the idea was to identify new problems arising in science, tech, and culture that haven’t yet been widely recognized.

This year’s respondents include former presidents of the Royal Society, Nobel prize-winners, famous sci-fi authors, Nassem Nicholas Taleb, Brian Eno, and a bunch of top theoretical physicists, psychologists, and biologists. And the list is long. Like, book-length long. There are some 150 different things that worry 151 of the planet’s biggest brains. And I read about them all, so you don’t have to: here’s the Buzzfeedized version, with the money quote, title, or summary of the fear pulled out of each essay. Obviously, go read the rest if any of the below get you fretting too.

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What happens if and when you fall in love or are in relationship with someone, whose DNA is not like yours? Do opposites attract?

In my inquiry into this dangerous jungle of different DNA’s within the human race, I started to see the need to work with people, one on one.

Yesterday I lucked out: I had a new client for another business of mine, who is the perfect person with the perfect history to work on and maybe test these issues: What happens if and when you fall in love or are in relationship with someone, whose DNA is not like yours?

Our guy, let’s call him Chad, met a woman some 16-17 years ago. Chad is a scientist and so is his beloved.

Chad is on a crossroads of sort: he needs to decide whether to take this relationship to the next level. It’s been rocky, so he is hesitant. Intimacy has been lacking in the relationship as well. It seems that opposites attract…

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Witches, Sorcerers, Dark Side Practitioners, Sociopaths and YOU. What are you going to do?

There is no light without darkness and there is no darkness without light. If darkness ever takes over for a moment, in that moment light will be reborn.
The pitiful world of internet witches and sorcerers also known as energy practitioners

Lots of women fancy themselves really powerful and really lethal. They have a good story, the typical one is that they knew early on that they were special, blah blah blah.

They can wield energies, and they make money hand over fist (I think), have fan group groupies, tribes… like Teal Scott’s.

You see, there is no need to invent dark spirits, reptilians, ghosts, extraterrestrials… we have our own full house of all-kinds-of people.

I have been attacked, psychically, with energies, for a week now. First one person, then another joined in, and now if I feel it correctly, it is up to five people doing it in tandem.

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Self-Awareness, Self-Knowledge: how do you avoid duping yourself and start growing?

I was on a coaching call this morning. The student feels that he could be more, and that is what brought him to my programs. He raised his vibration from 130 to 200 in six days, and continues to come to the coaching calls.

He would like to own his own business. I recommended that he finds out where he is at, what he is like, so he increases his self-awareness… and finds out what is the reality he is in… I asked him to take the blue pill (the Matrix movie) so he can see the reality, whatever that may be.

Then I gave him a homework to do that with: a few questions to ask his friends, co-workers, family.

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In life you are either growing or you are shrinking, either evolving or dying

One of the major challenges for humans have is this constant need, this imperative to evolve…

In life you are either evolving or you are shrinking.

What’s the challenge really?

If you pay attention, every real or perceived threat to our survival, quality of life, or to our self-perception creates a strong emotional response. We call it fear, or anxiety, or anguish, or resistance… But no matter what you call it, it wants to activate the hide reflex.

You see, they say that the reflex is fight or flight, but it would be more apt to call the flight extreme hide, shrink, trying to fix.

Fighting is bad, because it’s ineffective, but so is the avoidance of any meaningful work.

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Water: does it help or does it hinder your body?

Water! 70% of your body is water, and every single chemical process in your body requires water. In your cell and in between the cells.

Clean, well structured, good water. Water that lubricates your joints. Water that dissolves and carries the vitamins and the minerals to where they become life. Water that refreshes you, quenches your thirst, and leaves you with more energy than when you started.

Unfortunately to all of us, this is not the case. The water that is available for us, whether it is through the tap, through a “pristine” mountain stream, in a bottle, is water that doesn’t fit to drink.

The minimum energy, the minimum vibration, the minimum “consciousness level” water needs to have is 300. That is what muscle test says the body needs to match itself… for the water to neither add nor take away from its state. On the vibrational scale of consciousness. If its vibration is lower, then it robs your body of energy, and it robs you of your life, of your happiness, of your peace of mind, of your brilliance, of your health.

I have measured the vibration of water from different sources, and this is what I found this morning:

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You feel out of whack. Raise your vibration to grow… as a person, financially, more joy, more fun, more love?

The key to growth is noticing… The key to raising your vibration is awareness
“Dear Astrology Guy: Please tell me why I have to work so hard — meditate, reflect, read, analyze, poke, prod, investigate — to discover truths about myself that must be obvious to others. Why is it so hard for me to see where I need healing and where I need to let go? Why is it such an ordeal to grasp what is interfering with my wholeness when I can quickly pinpoint what other people’s issues are? -Overworked Virgo.” Dear Overworked: I’m happy to report that you will soon be offered a gush of revelations about who you are, how you can heal, and what strategies will best serve your quest to minimize your anxiety. Are you prepared to absorb some intense teachings? For best results, make yourself extra receptive.
Now, if you are like me, you want to raise your vibration! You don’t want to wait for the “right alignment of the planets” to be able to heal, or minimize your anxiety, get guidance, etc. You want to do it now, if possible. You can if you concentrate on raising your vibration instead of all the details.

You want to take an active stance, an active position in the matter.

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Stuff I want you to see: The Guru Myth, Its Destructive Power and A Cure.

Sophie’s notes: I do not necessarily agree with a lot what’s written in this article, yet it’s a good piece of writing, and I want you to read it.

I will add some notes when I have time… And some vibrational measurements of the people he mentions… Patience, it’s coming.
The Guru Myth, Its Destructive Power and A Cure. (Now w/Videos!)

Via Julian Walker on Feb 28, 2012

The Word and The Myth.
The word “guru” has taken on a life of its own in Western pop culture. The media and advertising talk about “stock gurus,” “marketing gurus,” sports gurus” and on and on – the characterization being someone who has a particular insight into their chosen field and is trusted by others as being able to solve certain problems or provide a highly effective strategy on how to be successful.

We know of course that the word originates in India and simply means “teacher.” In India one’s schoolteacher, dance instructor, parent – really anyone in an authoritative or instructive role might be considered your guru in their particular domain.

But when the word is used in a spiritual context it has a very specific meaning and is located within a very particular Hindu belief system. A guru in this sense is a cut above ordinary human beings. What distinguishes the guru from us mere mortals is that they are “enlightened” or “self-realized.”

Basically the claim is that there are certain very special people who have crossed a very specific threshold in their spiritual awareness – and they know the ultimate truth about the nature of reality.

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