Internal and external barriers to growth, changing, success, the good life

Is that a distraction? Does that get me closer to my target? One of the big issue I see with people is this: You have big desires… but you don’t consider doing the things you have to do to attain … Continue reading

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Internal and external barriers to growth, changing, success, the good life

How to detect lies… even your own…

lying spot a liarOne of the things I am starting to check if the person who wants to work with me, closely, is in the habit of lying or not. So yesterday I told an applicant that she was a liar. I muscle … Continue reading


How to detect lies… even your own…

The dynamics of getting stuck… Or why isn’t my life getting any better, in spite of all the things I do?

mutually exclusive outcomesWhy and how you got stuck? When you see that acting would make a positive difference, but you don’t act. When you see that if you did what you said you would do, you could… but you don’t do it. … Continue reading

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The dynamics of getting stuck… Or why isn’t my life getting any better, in spite of all the things I do?