Updated: Where to find the character flaws to correct? Can you learn soul correction from a book? Cheap Closure Now…

Where are you going to find the character flaws that you need to correct? Can you learn soul correction from a book? Cheap Closure Now… Wow, I wrote this article three years ago. Not much has changed outside of me, … Continue reading

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Updated: Where to find the character flaws to correct? Can you learn soul correction from a book? Cheap Closure Now…

What will be your epitaph? What will be written on your tombstone?

epitaph-1If you had my life, I bet you would find it boring. I don’t have a television, I don’t read the newspaper, I don’t browse the web, I don’t go to teleseminars, I don’t chat with friends… except two. I … Continue reading

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What will be your epitaph? What will be written on your tombstone?

If you don’t want to buy the Bug Free Mind book, but want the benefits…

doc martin vs. create a bug free mindThe hardest bad behavior, for me, to get rid of is blame… pointing fingers, feeling superior to others. I can see bad behavior, but to identify with it, to map it on myself is difficult. But, ultimately that is what … Continue reading

See original article here: 

If you don’t want to buy the Bug Free Mind book, but want the benefits…

What does the Unconditional Love Activator do? Will it make you love yourself?

let me knock you consciousIt helps you to bring a kind and sober eye to what you see… But it is you who needs to do the looking. One tool to force you to do the looking is my articles. In almost every article … Continue reading


What does the Unconditional Love Activator do? Will it make you love yourself?

You are hardwired to be bad and pretend to be good or better

911160 - EASY AUntil you can look inside at your ugliness, at your emptiness, at your hatefulness, spitefulness, gossipy judgmental behavior, and see it for what it is, you will NEVER raise your vibration. But you have an issue: that ugliness is hardwired … Continue reading

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You are hardwired to be bad and pretend to be good or better

Another great article from Roy Williams: The Measuring of Success

The most important sentence in this whole article is this: “If you’re not taking action each day, you don’t have a goal, you have a delusion, a wish, a fantasy, a dream.” What are you trying to make happen? Is … Continue reading

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Another great article from Roy Williams: The Measuring of Success

Updated: Removing energetic, vampire attachments, also called cords

electric-body_0I had the insight, after I published this article, and after I removed some 20 attachments, today, that the people (distance healers?) that put the attachment on you may not have malicious intent. They need to connect to you, and … Continue reading

See original article here: 

Updated: Removing energetic, vampire attachments, also called cords

The tragedy of marriage

quote-the-tragedy-of-marriage-is-that-while-all-women-marry-thinking-that-their-man-will-change-all-men-len-deighton-223490The tragedy of marriage is that women think that man will change, but they won’t. Men think the woman won’t change but they do. I heard this sentence yesterday on Netflix. I immediately had to write it down. Just like … Continue reading

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The tragedy of marriage

Carol Tuttle bio and Dr. Eben Alexander bio… A guru’s bio: any of it is true?

selling with a story: your bioIn another article I wrote about the importance of the “story”. Because the customer, the buyer, the client, can relate to a story, a well crafted story sells you and sells your business. Why? Because the story appeals to the … Continue reading

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Carol Tuttle bio and Dr. Eben Alexander bio… A guru’s bio: any of it is true?


I am a foreigner. I learned the English words, one by one, but I started to learn the being associated, the being meant by some words when I was 38 and started the work of transformation. The first being word … Continue reading

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