There is laziness and then there is lazy-ness. Is lazy learned helplessness?

lazy-vs-learned-helplessnessThis laziness thing came up again today. During shopping. Is a fruit bowl worth the extra $3? It was 9.95, and it’s now 12.95… she says, and I have no idea how to answer. She has no idea what the … Continue reading

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There is laziness and then there is lazy-ness. Is lazy learned helplessness?

Do empaths have empathy?

what-is-empathyEmpathy… and empaths. Is the empathy we talk about in the world as a good thing and what empaths have the same? Empathy as psychologists have it, is not the capacity to feel another’s feeling as your own. That is … Continue reading

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Do empaths have empathy?

Live like a White Peacock… do things for the love of doing things…

side-peacockI love reading. My favorite books tear down the proverbial curtain of the Wizard of Oz. And my favorite activities… you could guess, are when I can tear down the curtain… and actually show the naked reality of things… I … Continue reading

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Live like a White Peacock… do things for the love of doing things…

Force your thinking brain to work

51OOOMK5tcLI had an insight into how our education system fosters only first brain thinking and how to force the thinking brain to work… I am reading a book, Stumbling on happiness… so far it’s excellent, funny, witty, and very enlightening. … Continue reading

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Force your thinking brain to work

The biggest learning to date… how I used the “how to boil a frog” method to grow myself

I have been attempting to learn higher level marketing than I have been doing for a few years now. Marketing is hard… and I don’t have a natural aptitude to it. Every time I bought a program I “had to” … Continue reading

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The biggest learning to date… how I used the “how to boil a frog” method to grow myself

The third thinking brain… immersion: the secret to mastery of life and growth

immersion therapyThe first thinking brain, the genes driven brain creates a life of reactivity, full of fear, full of anxiety, full of sharp turns and devastating jerks. I’ve lived there… and I hated it. The second thinking brain, the one that … Continue reading


The third thinking brain… immersion: the secret to mastery of life and growth

The synergy of well-being and coaching…

81e68d081796b726e77b21cdab6ca276The arrogant me would say: I had a breakthrough in teaching the most important thing anyone can learn: getting what they want in life as a side-effect, not their whole and only intention. I have been attempting to teach this … Continue reading

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The synergy of well-being and coaching…

Dr. Mercola and his site… a vibrational review

Dr._Mercola_-_International_Vaccine_Conference_2009_SpeechDr. Mercola: his vibration 170 his overall IQ including his intelligence 70 (average) the number of spiritual capacities he has 8. A practicing doctor needs 20 capacities… but he is a teacher instead. his soul correction (his machine) DOB July … Continue reading

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Dr. Mercola and his site… a vibrational review

Your self-esteem and your self-control: what is the connection?

duality-wordpicPeople, all people are puzzled and disturbed by their dual nature. You love and hate, drip with envy, at times taken over by desire… while you consider yourself sane, and nice, and compassionate and goal-driven. It is natural to be … Continue reading

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Your self-esteem and your self-control: what is the connection?

Tell me your problems and I’ll know the size of your life…


When your life is about you… when your life is about others… when your life is about ideas.. these are different sizes of a life you can have. In this article we’ll examine the effects of these levels on your … Continue reading

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Tell me your problems and I’ll know the size of your life…